Wednesday, October 23, 2019

At what points is caution necessary in the profession perfect love?

At what points is caution necessary in the profession perfect love?

1. It may be professed too soon, before it is really attained. In this case a profession is disastrous both to tho confessor and to the cause. But in avoiding this extreme, do not run to the other, as, in view of the opposition in the church to the profession of holiness, there is much more danger that you will not profess it soon enough, than that you will profess it too soon.

2. It may be confessed with too little humility of manner. All carelessness should be avoided in the profession of holiness. It is your duty, and for your spiritual interest, to acknowledge all the grace received; but it should be done with deep humility of mind. To do it otherwise is as intrinsically perilous as not to confess it at all. The profession should be in a humble, meek, loving, Christ-exalting, and self abasing spirit. Every thing that savors of self-congratulation, or of personal consequence, or of vainglorious boasting, is seriously objectionable. The spirit of perfect love is just the spirit that should characterize its profession.

3. It may be done with too much self-confidence, or with self-seeking. And self-seeking is one of the most subtle snares of the human soul. We need to guard this point with great care, and seek constant help from Christ against it. There is danger of self seeking even in professing sanctification. We are to seek Christ in all things.

4. It may be done with too much reliance upon the mere profession as a means of retaining holiness. While it is one of the means (and we think an indispensable one) for the retainment of entire sanctification, it should not be put in the place of Christ, who alone can keep the soul in the perfect love of God. We are to ABIDE IN CHRIST. Professing is beneficial to the sanctified soul only as it tends to obey and please Christ, and leads the soul to trust the more implicitly in him. The soul should never rest for salvation on any thing itself has done or may do, instead of resting on Christ.
Let your profession be seasonable, truthful, humble, and to the glory of God, and never rely upon it, and it will be pleasing to God, useful to the church, and a blessing to yourself.

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