Sunday, October 6, 2019

First Bible Study: Christ, Superior to Angels

We begin the new quarter with a study of the book of Hebrews. There is a difference of opinion on the author of this book. Some believe it was the work of the Apostle Paul. Some say the style of the book is not that of Paul. They suggest Apollos, Acquila and Priscilla, or Barnabas as potential authors. The truth is, we will never know for sure this side of heaven, but the lack of certainty does not detract from Hebrews being the inspired Word of God. It is interesting to note that the book does not emphasize the experience of salvation. Deliverance from Egyptian bondage is not stressed. Instead, reference is made to the children of Israel entering the Promised Land of rest. Thus, the author is urging his readers on to the second work of grace, that of heart cleansing. Heart cleansing has several Biblical names such as holiness, entire sanctification, perfect love, or the rest of faith. Our blog contains many articles that will help you understand what entire sanctification is, how to obtain it, and how to keep it. The book of Hebrews is very important to an understanding of holiness for the believer. The author begins in chapter 1 showing that Christ is the full revelation of God to man, and He is superior to angels.

The first section is: “Incarnate Deity.” Verses 1-3 of chapter 1 establish two fundamental truths: God exists and God has revealed Himself to man. Jesus Christ did not become God; He always was and always will be God. From verses 2-3, we find seven “Alpine Peaks” regarding the revelation of God through His Son:
1. Jesus is the heir of all things;
2. Jesus is the Creator and has made all things;
3. Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory;
4. Jesus is the express image of God;
5. Christ is the Sustainer of all things;
6. Jesus is our perfect redeemer; and
7. Jesus Christ has finished the work of redemption and has sat down in triumph. That means He has
completed His work.

A final thought from this section is that Jesus is the focal point of all history and eternity. One day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. Is He the Lord of your life? Are you ready for that final day?

The second section is “Exalted Sovereign” taken from chapter 1 verses 4-9. Angels were held in very high regard by the Jews. Verses 4 and 5 show the relation of the Son to the Father with quotations from Psalms 2:7 and 2 Samuel 7:14. Jesus is the Son of God; angels are not. Jesus reigns and angels serve. Verse 6 refers to Psalm 97:7. Angels worshipped at the first coming of Jesus, and they will do so at His second coming. Verses 8 and 9 are taken from Psalm 45:6,7. God’s Word tells us that angels are innumerable, Swift, powerful, executors of God’s wrath and messengers. Be aware today that although you cannot see them, angels are around you. Thank God that you have a Guardian Angel.
They are servants. While we don’t pray to angels, it is appropriate to pray for God to send angels to
help in a situation in a time of need.

The third section is “Eternal Creator” from verses 10-12. It is important to know that Jesus is not a created God. He is not inferior to the Father. While there is a beginning to the humanity of Christ, He existed eternally with the Father. Things created become old, decay and perish. In contrast, Christ is eternal. He created the earth and He controls the transitions of earth. The Word tells us that one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Are you looking forward to that day? Too often we spend our time and efforts pursuing created things that will not last. What are you focusing on today? While we have to work for a living, it should not be our chief aim. We should live 100% for God and dedicate our lives to His service. Today is a good day to take an inventory of where your heart’s desires are.

The fourth section is “Ministering Spirits” from verses 13-14. The writer declares that angels are sent
to minister. They are servants. The Son sits in authority (seated refers to the fact that He has
accomplished His work), while angels are sent forth to serve. They work to assist in bringing about God’s will which includes salvation and sanctification. They fight evil spirits who seek to drag men down to hell. As we go about our days, we need to become more aware of the invisible warfare which is being fought for the souls of men.

Golden Text: “Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him.” 1 Peter. 3:22
No matter the circumstances you or a loved one is facing today, be assured that God is in control and angels are about you to assist in performing His will. Jesus is still on the throne.

My summary points:
1. Jesus is on the throne and we can take comfort in that fact.
2. Jesus is superior to angels.
3. Angels are here as servants to do God’s will.
4. We need to be more aware of the invisible war around us for the souls of men.

Next week: “The Redeemer, Abraham’s Seed.”
Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon. Your heart will be warmed.

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