Thursday, October 31, 2019



This beautiful Scripture discloses the attitude of the soul that grows -- waiting before the Lord, for the Spirit to give light, direction. The reason we are so often defeated is because we rush into battle without waiting for His direction.

Waiting means for us never to be in a hurry when we are before the Lord. Waiting means that we have plenty of time, nothing to cause us to get impatient, nothing to worry us. We have all the time needed for this waiting. Patience is a rich grace to manifest in these hours of waiting; in fact, one cannot make progress without it. One cannot wait on God and have his mind wandering, It would kill all the sweet joy that comes to those who do really wait.

You must have concentration, you must get right down before God, and your mind and thought, your all, must be there too. You cannot wait on Him with half the heart. He must have all or none. "When thou prayest, enter into thy closet," is His way for us to wait. A wholehearted
service is what pleases Him and puts you in right relationship to get all He can give you in one short life.

Wait, be still, listen, let Him talk, get quiet, close your mouth, you talk too much; give Him a chance to talk to you. He wants to reveal His will to you, His plans for you; His field needs you. He is about to speak, be still, listen to His gentle voice, draw in your mind, prepare the way, He desires a talk with you, get ready. Your mind, soul and body must be prepared for His coming. We can never get His ear until we get quiet before Him. The devil is wise to try to get us all in a hurry, all confused, all nervous, our minds divided, then it is impossible for us to get a grip in prayer. We need plenty of time when we go to pray; more time than anything else; more time than we know what to do with, then we can wait His time and not be in a hurry.

To wait means to get down and stay down, not to get up until you are through, to stay all day, yes, all night, and next day, too, and three whole days and nights, and still longer if necessary. Amen! Glory! It means that you are determined to go through with Him at any cost. It means, too, that you are His to go, or stay, or send. Amen! It means that you are seeking His will to know, His light to follow. It means that you are an honest soul and want light. You are after an open door, and will gladly enter quickly.

Waiting should have your best time, not the close of the day when your mind is tired and sleep has taken hold upon you, but early hours when you are fresh. You should never wait until your mind is crowded with other matters. One will need all his mind to wait on God. Waiting is half the battle. It is that that qualifies us for battle and gives us the assurance beforehand. All the soul-savers get to Him early in the morning. No better time could one find to wait on Him, for His guidance, for the light needed. While others slumber you wait, and you will have the power, and the victory too. Waiting is not easy, but it will pay. Oh, to be still before Him, the whole man patient, just simply waiting God's time! I will stay here until He speaks.

Never come in a hurry, never leave in a hurry, take time to wait, have leisure when you come to wait. Take a vacation. Throw off every care, every burden, all worry. You must wait, your soul needs this waiting, but it will take time, determination, will power, faith.

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