Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fourth Bible Study: A Rest for the People of God

The lesson today is based on Hebrews 4:3-13. As an old fashioned holiness preacher, this lesson is what I call "shouting ground!" As a reminder, the book of Hebrews is primarily a book about going forward to a place of rest in God. It does not focus on deliverance from Egypt, which symbolize before one knows Christ, but entering into the land of Canaan which represents entire sanctification. We will use the words entire sanctification, holiness, heart purity, perfect love, a rest of faith to all mean the same experience. That experience is having one's heart cleansed from inbred sin when one is sanctified after being born again. Today's lesson is divided into "The Sabbath Rest," "The Canaan Rest," and "The Rest of the Soul."

This is the great need of the church. When I was pastoring a conservative holiness church, it is my opinion that less than 30% of those in attendance were entirely sanctified. I believe the number is far lower today in most churches. How do you know, you might ask? Simply put, when you see anger, gossip, jealousy, conflict, envy, stinginess, and unkindness to the children of God, you can believe that a carnal heart is at the root. I say this is the great need of the church because the sanctified believer will give to the work of the Lord, so the church will not have money issues. The sanctified soul does not respond in anger to others but remains in a state of peace so there will be less conflict. The sanctified believer supports the ministry that preaches holiness. The devil will fight the sanctified, but the enemy finds no foe within the sanctified. The battle is all on the outside.

The first section is "The Sabbath Rest vv. 3,4." The writer of Hebrews tells us that God rested on the seventh day. The first six days had an "evening and the morning," but not the seventh day. The. Sabbath rest was to be continual. God's Sabbath rest is unending. This same characteristic is God's design for the soul of a person, an unending rest in Him. The following Scriptures prove sanctification: John 7:14-17; Ephesians 4:22-24; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; 5:23; and 1 John 1:7. The Israelites that failed to enter Canaan due to unbelief are a warning to the believer not to fail to enter into the perfect rest God has provided through Jesus Christ to sanctify our souls. The Sabbath rest is a message to us that God has provided a rest for His people. You don't have to live a life of anger, worry, envy, etc. There is a life in this world that you can have complete rest. This does not mean you won't have problems, real serious problems. However, it does mean that you can approach h those problems with a complete rest in God. Do you have this rest?

The second section is "The Canaan Rest vv. 5-8." The entering into Canaan by the Israelites when they were delivered from Egypt was not the fulfillment of God's promised rest. It was a type, or a picture, revealing what God wants to do for and in the individual. Moving into Canaan meant living where God wants you to live, that is free from sin, both in acts and in nature. Living in Canaan means living with a heart that has been cleansed and purified from carnality. The word "unbelief" in verse 6 can be translated as "disobedience." The evil heart of unbelief leads one to disobey God. When a believer begins to doubt God and His Word, that seed of unbelief will grow into full fledged sin and rebellion. Sadly, I have seen ministers break up their homes when they began to doubt God and leave Canaan and head back to Egypt which represents a life in bondage to sin. In our holiness churches, there are many hymns that speak of the second work of grace as entrance into "Canaan Land." Have you entered this land of fruitfulness and blessing? If not, what holds you back? Life is better living with a cleansed heart.

The third section is "The Rest of the Soul vv. 9-13." There is a rest for the people of God, those that have been born again. The word “rest” in the Greek language (the language the letter was written in) means “sabbath rest” a rest like God’s rest following creation. It is a life of rest. Verses 12 and 13 contain two reasons why believers should earnestly seek to be entirely sanctified. The first is the Word of God, and the second is the eyes of God. God’s Word is alive and powerful. The Word will cut to the heart of a person. It will expose carnality and offer a cure. The carnal heart will make excuses, it always does. It will seek to avoid truth. Over the years I have seen carnality in action in opposing holiness preachers and holiness doctrine. The second reason to seek holiness is that nothing is hidden from His view. Carnal reasoning and carnal deception will be futile when you stand before God. Remember, consecration and faith are man’s part, but cleansing is God’s part. God sees you as you really are. Are you ready to stand before Him? If not, you can be ready by dying out to self, taking the death route of crucifixion of self and seek to be entirely sanctified by faith.

The Golden Text is: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Do you have this rest? Are you ready to meet God? Don’t delay. Tomorrow may be too late. Seek God while He May be found.

My summary points:
1. There is a permanent rest for the people of God just like God rested from His works of creation.
2. It is evil to doubt God. It is God’s will that you be sanctified wholly. 1 Thessalonians 4:3
3. God sees you as you really are. Does He see a carnal heart when He sees you.

I’m thankful that an 80+ year old holiness minister shared the truth about entire sanctification with me in the 1970s. It changed my life, eventually. I wished I had responded sooner to this truth. You don’t have to wait. Seek God with your whole heart. Ask Him to purify and cleanse your heart from the sin nature.

Next week: “Christ, Our High Priest.”

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration.

If you know someone who might like to join this study, have them contact me to get the materials.

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