Sunday, October 20, 2019

Third Bible Study: Warning Against Unbelief

Study text: Hebrews 3:7-4:2

Warning about this lesson: since this lesson is primarily a warning against “an evil heart of unbelief,” it will tend toward a negative tone. The failure to trust in God resulted in death, so everyone should sense the necessity of steadfast confidence in God. Some Christians just want positive affirmations, promises, and encouragement. While these are important, the Bible is more balanced than that. It includes promises, but it also includes warnings. The passage today is the second warning in Hebrews. The first warning (2:1-4) was to not neglect so great a salvation. Today’s warning deals with coming short of obtaining the promised rest because of unbelief. Remember, the book of Hebrews was written not about deliverance from Egypt, which symbolizes salvation, but about moving forward into Canaan, which represents the perfect rest of entire sanctification.

The first section is “Quotation from Psalms vv7-11.” Having shown the superiority of Christ over Moses, the writer cautions the readers against returning to the Jewish faith. To turn back to Judaism would result in spiritual death. The author seeks the reader to enter the Canaan land of rest. It is important to remember Israel’s failure to enter the Promised Land when they had escaped Egypt and were at Kadesh-Barnes (Numbers 13 and 14; Deut. 1:19-46). You may recall that spies were sent into the land God had promised to give His people. All the spies except Joshua and Caleb did not have faith that God would keep His Word. Joshua and Caleb trusted the Word of God and ultimately did enter the Promised Land. Because of their unbelief, the rest died in wilderness. Be clear, unbelief results in death. In applying this portion to our lives, God has promised the believer the rest of entire sanctification. Do we doubt God’s Word on the subject? If you do, the process will begin with a hardening of the heart, increasing unbelief, a turning back and ultimately spiritual death. We must remain tender to God by a prompt obedience and humble dependence on God. God wills for His children to be entirely sanctified? Do you agree?

The second section is “Application for Believers vv12-17.”  The writer of Hebrews now turns to the New Testament believers, urging them to “take heed.” This means they are to be very watchful. What are they to be watchful of? The answer is an evil heart of unbelief. The heart of unbelief is described as being evil and wicked. It is evil to doubt God. The carnal nature, which is destroyed in entire sanctification not suppressed), will cause a person to depart from God. God knows this and this is why He has provided the second work of grace to get rid of the old man, carnal nature, or inbred sin. Carnality has many names, but one cure: entire sanctification. The writer is urging the believers to not have an evil heart of unbelief, but to enter in the Promised Land of holiness. It is your choice to believe or doubt. Doubt is an action against God. Faith is an action toward God. Adam Clarke said: “Unbelief produced disobedience, and disobedience produced hardness of heart and blindness of mind.”

The third section is”Exhortation to Faith vv 4:1,2.” The gospel means “good news.” The Israelites heard the good news of deliverance from Egyptian bondage, and of a fruitful land they could possess. God brought them out so He could bring them in. He wants to do the same with us. He wants to bring us out of sin to salvation in Jesus Christ and into the Promised Land of rest in entire sanctification. The enemy of salvation is unbelief. The enemy of entire sanctification is unbelief. Do you want all God has for you? Remember, the book of Hebrews does not focus on the crossing of the Red Sea and the deliverance from Egypt. Its focus is on the second major event in Israel’s history, that of entering the Promised Land. The main point of this book is not to see individuals saved from sin, but to see believers sanctified holy. Hebrews is a book on holiness.

There is an excellent book entitled “Out of Egypt Into Canaan,” written by Martin Wells Knapp. I have a copy from my mentor Rev. Herbert Norton. It really helped me to understand the symbolism between the children of Israel’s journey and ours in the New Testament. If you would like a copy, please let me know and I will search for some reprints. There will be no charge. It will be our ministry gift.

The Golden Text is: “Because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not high minded, but fear.” Romans 11:20

My summary points:
1. While always responding, “Yes, Lord,” you guard against unbelief.
2. Hardening of the heart through unbelief leads to resisting and pulling away from God, which results in spiritual death.
3. Entire sanctification is the promised rest offered by God to those who will meet the conditions and enter in.

Next week: “A Rest for the People of God.”

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration. If you know someone who would like the study materials, just contact me. They are free and postpaid.

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