Sunday, October 13, 2019

Second Bible Study: The Redeemer, Abraham's Seed

The Scripture portion (Hebrews 2:5-18) for this second lesson emphasizes the neccesity of Christ's becoming a man. Consider the necessity of the Incarnation. When God created man, He placed him on earth to "have dominion." When Adam sinned, he became disqualified to rule. Christ, as the second Adam, perfectly fulfilled the will of the Father. Christ faced and overcame every onslaught of Satan and every difficulty faced by humanity. Thus, He is qualified to be both the Redeemer of men and the King of Kings.

The first section is "The Ruler of Creation." The first portion of the lesson is primarily a quote from Psalm 8. After man is created, God tells Adam to be fruitful and multiply. Paul quotes Psalm 8:4-6 to show that Christ, becoming a man, was not inferior to angels. The psalmist relates that man is the capstone of God's creation. He has placed His creation under the authority and control of man. However, when man sinned, he became disqualified to rule over God's creation. God would not be thwarted though. Jesus becomes the second Adam and will accomplish the Father's purpose. Someday, men, as priests and kings, will rule the planet. God's original purpose for man's existence will be fulfilled. Will you be ready to rule? The time for preparation to be ready is now. We ned to be saved and sanctified and walking in all the light we have. Intentional rebellion against God has no place in the life of a believer.

The second section (verses 9-13) is "The Captain of Salvation." In this section, we see Jesus' becoming man, enduring the afflictions of mankind, and dying in our place. Jesus took on our identity that He might redeem us. God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. His wisdom transcends our understanding. The Son of God would become a man to "captain" our salvation. The word "captain" means "author" or "originator." From before the foundation of the world this plan was in effect to bring about your salvation and sanctification. In Jesus' high priestly prayer in John 17, enlarges our understanding of verse 11. Sanctification involves two primary meanings: to set apart or consecrate and to cleanse from sin. Christ is not ashamed to call the sanctified believer "brethren." In Matthew 12:47-50, Jesus tells us that His brethren, i.e. His family, are those that who do the will of His Father in Heaven. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 says that the will of God is our sanctification. The Captain of our Salvation has provided for our salvation and sanctification. Have you received these gifts?

The third section (14-16) is "The Conqueror of Death." The last two sections of this study are thrilling and assuring. Christ has conquered death, assuring us of victory. He is our High Priest, able to see us through any battle. Through faith, we have strength, comfort, and hope in our blessed Savior. Though man fell in the Garden of Eden, Christ prevented man's final and irrevocable fall by becoming a man, and making atonement. Fallen angels were not redeemed. Fallen man was. "Death has never been the same since He died." I have performed many funerals. Those services involving a departed saint were much different than funerals of lost souls. The former were filled with hope and celebration of a life lived for Christ. The latter, were filled with despair and sadness. To the lost, the separation was final and permanent. To the redeemed, the separation is temporary and there is hope for a glorious reunion! Praise His name for conquering death for mankind.

The fourth section (17,18) is "The Faithful High Priest." Hebrews is the only book which unfolds the truths regarding Jesus in His priestly ministry. The Old Testament priest would make the sacrifice for the one seeking forgiveness. However, Jesus, our High Priest, has reconciled us to God. His sacrifice is complete. To "reconcile" is to bring together by removing that which separates. Since the fall of Adam, everyone born was born with a sinful nature. However, after one is saved through the blood of Christ, that same blood will cleanse us from our sinful nature when we are entirely sanctified subsequent to being born again. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can resist all avenues of temptation: the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life. What a marvelous High Priest we have!

The Golden Text is "God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh." Romans 8:3 We can live a life of victory over sin because of the work of Jesus Christ our Savior and Sanctifier.

My summary points:
1. One day we will rule, so we need to get ready now in this life.
2. Jesus' family are those that do the will of His Father.
3. Since Jesus has conquered death, we may live forever.
4. Our High Priest has offered the perfect sacrifice for our salvation and sanctification.

Next week: "Warnings Against Unbelief."

Don't forget to read the Sunday school Beacon.

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