Friday, October 4, 2019

Why do some people desire but fail to obtain entire sanctification?

Why is it that many who desire holiness, and read, and pray, and resolve, and weep, and struggle, yet make but little progress?

It is mainly because they refuse to comply with the conditions on which the blessing is suspended. One man sees that if he would be holy he must adopt a new system of benevolence. Another sees, as he approaches the clear light of perfect love, a probable call to the ministry, should he go forward. Another sees a large class of duties, hitherto neglected, which must be performed. A sister sees, if holiness is obtained and retained, she will have to conform to the simplicity of the gospel of Christ, and undergo a material change in her equipage and costume. Many cease to seek holiness when the knife of excision is put to the heart to amputate its idols. There is much physical depravity standing in the way as a hindrance. Entire sanctification includes a radical and universal purification of the entire man, soul and body. Chastity of body is an important part of entire sanctification. Sin is "filthiness;" it may be of the flesh, or of the spirit, as there are defilements of the body and of the mind. Many stumble in seeking Christian holiness, because of habits of uncleanness -- physical indulgences, which are not put away. No man can be entirely sanctified while his body is an "instrument of unrighteousness " in any sense, privately or publicly. God never does for any one what he can do for himself. The putting away of all "filthiness of the flesh" is a part of entire sanctification which every one must perform for himself.

God requires a pure soul in a chaste body. The Christian's body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and it is not to be profaned by prostitution to wicked uses, or filthy lusts. "If any man defile the temple of God, him will God destroy." Having made both body and soul, and redeemed both, he requires them kept pure and devoted to his use. "Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

Many fail in seeking entire sanctification, because they do not sanctify their bodies, but touch, taste, and handle things unclean. A man who would be right with God, must be right with his body. Convictions, resolutions, and good desires are not enough, there must be actual abandonment of all physical, as well as moral iniquity. Then our whole nature, "spirit, soul, and body," will be "without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing."

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