Thursday, September 16, 2021



Two great men were born almost at the same time. Both were far famed and nation named. Each died within a few months of the other and they died of the same disease. Their characters were diverse. One was a blessing and the other one became a curse. One was blessed by an abundance of grace and the other one was cursed with unbelief. Both appeared before the public and hundreds went to hear them. One believed in God, in Christ the Son of God, and the inspiration of the Bible; but the other one was an atheist, denying the Deity of Christ. One was the means of many being converted, of Bible Schools being established where many were trained for the ministry; while the other one lectured against Christianity, wrecking the faith of many. One was the servant of the Lord, helping the Lord to populate heaven; but the other one was the servant of Satan, helping him to populate hell. When the former was dying, some of his last words were: "This is my triumph; this is my coronation day! I have been looking forward to it for years." When the other one died, the Dobbs Ferry home was desolate and dark. The former was none other than

D. L. Moody and the latter one was Bob Ingersoll. Some time before Moody died he said, "One of these days you will read in big headlines that D. L. Moody, of Northfield, Massachusetts, is dead. Don't you believe a word of it because then I shall be more alive than ever." Some time before Bob Ingersoll died he said, "There is no God. I will prove it to you." He pulled out his watch and said, "If there is a God, I will give Him five minutes to strike me dead." The five minutes passed by and nothing happened. He said, "See, I have proven unto you there is no God." That did not prove the nonexistence of God, but rather proved the patience of God. Why should there be such a great difference between these two men? We understand both had Christian parents. One possessed the gift of salvation and a gift to evangelize, plus the measure of grace and the love of God to make him a holy man and well balanced in his gifts. Ingersoll, the infidel, rejected the Saviour and refused the grace of Christ. He was a dangerous person. All who are highly gifted should pray for sufficient grace and divine love in order to be well balanced in their heart life and ministry, to be holy so that God will be glorified, His cause honored, and self kept humble and usable in the sight of God and the people. -- "When He Is Come," hdm0370, by Joshua Stauffer

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