Wednesday, September 1, 2021

We Are Under Divine Judgment

 Below is a statement from Dr. John MacArthur regarding divine judgment. I concur 100%. We have removed God from our government, our schools, our churches (many have become social help centers or prosperity promise shoppes), and allowed insanity to control our culture. A person born a male, believes he is a female, and we have to affirm it or face a cancel culture. Gay marriage contradicts the Biblical design for marriage (find one passage that supports same sex marriage and I will change my mind), but we are supposed to affirm the right of two men or two women to marry. If we don't, we face the cancel culture. COVID-19 has allowed the government to remove our rights of freedom to worship God. Churches were required to close, but bars and abortion clinics remained open. We are living Romans 1 and our current leaders in Washington D.C. are leading the way. This is madness. We need to preach repentance and the Lordship of Jesus Christ, it is our only hope. We must preach truth. It must be our response to what is going on in our country. Here is Dr. MacArthur's statement:

"It was John Calvin who made the interesting statement that when God judges a people He gives them wicked rulers. When God judges a people He gives them wicked rulers.

So this judgment of God, that has sent us down this careening path of transgression, iniquity, and sin, is also aided and abetted by wicked rulers because they tend to be the architects of all of this—if not overtly, certainly covertly.

So I just want to say that you have to look at this in the light of divine judgment.
What is happening in our country—the chaos, the insanity, the nonsense, the things that you can’t figure out, the confusion, the disorder, the disruption—is all part of divine judgment. And if you understand it that way you’re going to realize that you can’t fix it, you can’t fix it.

The next election will not fix it. No election will fix it.

A new governor in California will not fix it.

It cannot be fixed; it is divine judgment, and it is obviously unleashed on us, and we’re in the final stage, the stage of insanity.

The folly of all follies in a situation like this is to think there’s anything you can do in the human realm to stop the divine judgment of God.

That’s not possible.

This is God judging, and He laid it out in detail. We are under judgment at a severe level, the most severe level revealed in Scripture, short of final, global judgment yet to come in the end of the age, and eternal judgment in hell.

What is wrong in this country is not fixable; this is God bringing judgment. The good news is that He protects His people in the judgment, that His cover is over us. We are in the shelter of His protection. We are saved from the wrath to come, and we are protected in the current judgment.
But I just want you to understand that the church has one great responsibility in the midst of this judgment. It’s not to try to fix what’s wrong in society.

That same chapter, Romans 1, gives us our mandate. Paul says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel [of Christ], for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew and the Gentile.”

Our responsibility is to preach the gospel—not to be ashamed of the gospel but to preach the gospel, which is the only answer.

The only hope is Christ, and the only appropriate response to Christ is to embrace Him as Lord and Savior, and to embrace His glorious gospel."
— John MacArthur

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