Sunday, September 19, 2021

Lesson Twelve of the Quarter: Hearing God's Word

 Today's lesson comes from Nehemiah 8:1,3, 5-12. In our culture, it is essential that one attend a Bible believing church to be taught the Word of God. The Jews, who returned from Babylonian captivity, realized how important it was. As our society drifts farther away from God, we must beware lest we be caught in its moral ebb tide. We must be ardent students of God's Word so we may "keep the way of the LORD."

The construction of the wall was finished on the 25th day of the sixth month. Ezra's reading of the law took place on the 1st day of the seventh month. The wall was finished, but the people understood that God was their ultimate protector. 

The first section is: "The Reading of the Law." vv. 1-8 In these verses, we understand that the people came together to hear God's Word read and explained to them. The following are the people's attitude and response to the reading:

1. The attendance was voluntary ("The people gathered themselves together as one man.")

2. Ezra was well qualified to read the Law to the people  as he was both a scribe and a priest. That is why the people called him "to bring the book of the law of Moses."

3. The 1st day of the seventh month was the day of the "Feast of Trumpets" (Lev. 23:24), the first day of the civil year. The people's desire to hear the law may have been from their desire to correctly observe the feast. They knew their true defense came from God, they wanted to be in conformity to His law in order to have His favor.

4. The people heard Ezra from a raised platform which was large enough to accommodate the thirteen other men that accompanied him. 

5. The people were "attentive unto the book of the law." When Ezra unrolled the scroll, the entire assembly stood up. This act revealed their respect and honor they were giving to the occasion. 

6. Ezra began by giving words of praise to God, "Blessed be the LORD, the great God."

7. The people responded, "Amen, Amen." The people acknowledged God's greatness.

8. The people showed their submission by bowing their heads, and prostrating themselves on the ground in worship of the great King. 

9. Since the people had been in captivity for seventy years, some people did not comprehend what was being read. So Ezra and those on the platform with him read the Law "distinctly" (clearly) and "gave the sense" of the words to the people. In other words, they explained the Law to them.

The summary points of this section are:

1. Neglecting God's Word brings weakness in your spiritual life.

2. Without the preaching of the Word, there will not be conviction of sin.

3. We need good faithful Bible teachers to guide and help us.

The second section is: "Instruction for the People." vv. 9-12 The people began to weep when they heard the words of the law. They were sorrowful because they had departed from keeping the commands of God. Nehemiah, Ezra and the Levites realized that the people could not be left in a sorrowful condition. Festivals were to be a time of gladness and praise (Numbers 10:10). The first day of the seventh month was to be a time of rejoicing.

Nehemiah instructed the people to "Eat the fat, and drink the sweet." They were to enjoy the best meal they could and not to forget those for "whom nothing is prepared." As much as they were able, they were to attend to the needs of the poor. We should do the same.

Nehemiah wanted the people to rejoice and told them, "The joy of the LORD is your strength." Religious joy is based on forgiveness, is dependent on obedience, and is independent of circumstances. As Christians, we have all the more reasons to rejoice in the LORD. We know our sins are forgiven and we have a place secured for us in eternity. 

So "all the people went their way to eat, and to drink, and send portions, and to make great mirth." The reason for their rejoicing was they now had clarity of direction and purpose, "because they had understood the words that were declared unto them." It is a privilege to have God's Word and to understand it. God's Word brings light, instruction, hope and direction.

The summary points of this section are:

1. God's Word gives you direction, hope and guidance.

2. We have a responsibility to help those in need.

3. We should be a rejoicing people.

The Golden Text is, "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." (Psalm 119:165) One of the sure signs of one's salvation is a forgiving heart. People that hold grudges and are easily offended most likely have not received a new heart from the Lord Jesus Christ. If He is your LORD, should you not act like Him? On the cross He said, "Father , forgive them...." What do you say when you are done wrong? Is it, "I am offended," or is it, "Father, forgive them." You will have great peace when you act like the LORD Jesus Christ and love His law.

Next week, "Keeping God's Laws." (Nehemiah 13: 15-27)

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