Friday, September 17, 2021



A blinding blizzard blew up and our train came near being snowbound. They had to buck high drifts. When I got on the train, I met a professor from the State Teacher's College. He saw that I was a clergyman, and asked of what faith. I told him I was a fundamentalist. He laughed a devil-like laugh and said, "Ho, ho, we are going to make you fundamentalists lay your Bibles down in twenty years." I said, "We who?" He said, "We, the Atheist Association of America." I said, "How?" He replied, "We are going to put teachers in the schools to do it. We will put in textbooks with no morals, take out the Bible, teach evolution, and promote games." He continued, "You church folk put on your meetings in the fall and winter. We will put on games and keep the students so busy they cannot attend your meetings. You teach modesty; we are going to teach the young folk not to think seriously on any thing, and that all the God there is, is in nature, and any part of nature they serve is God. When we get them to be immodest, nature will make its demands."

I asked, "Mister, am I hearing you right? Do you mean to say that your plans are to teach our young people that living a loose life sexually is God?" "Yes, sir," was his reply. Then I talked to him about Romans one and part of chapter two. He moved to another seat and I followed him. When he sat down, I sat down beside him. I said, "Mister, you started this, but I will finish now, and God will finish hereafter." God helped me to put it plain to him. Then I told him my experience. He said, "That I cannot argue with you." Then he said, "You know there are forty billion stars." I said, "No, and neither do you know it. In the first place, you can't count to twenty billion, and another thing, God fixed the stars and no one knows how many there are." Then I went back to my subject of warning him, and quoting Scripture until he was like Felix -- he trembled. -- "The Power of God in a Redeemed Life," hdm0319, by Pearl Poe

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