Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Great Men Part 2

HE TRAINING OF GREAT MEN CAN BE ETERNALLY FATAL -- "Now the king's sons, being seventy persons, were with the great men of the city, which brought them up... So Jehu slew all that remained of the house of Ahab in Jezreel, and all his great men, and his kinsfolks, and his priests, until he left him none remaining" (2 Kings 10:6, 11).

In various ways, Jehu is hardly an exemplary character, though God used him to bring judgment upon the house of Ahab. The essence of what I would draw from the above verses is that Ahab's great men trained, or brought up, Ahab's 70 sons, and in the end, by Divine judgment, death fell upon both those 70 sons whom the great men trained and upon the great men themselves.

Proverbs 22:6 declares: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." But great men in this world often train, or bring up, young people in ways that they should not go -- in ways which shall prove to be eternally fatal both to their students and to themselves. Such great men, who greatly err in what and how they train children and youth, are to be found in places of great influence around the globe today. Many of these fatally faulty instructors are in universities of supposedly "higher learning" -- but wherever located they are training succeeding generations of youth to lampoon the Bible as a ridiculous collection of Judeo-Christian fairy-tales, teaching them to reject creation and embrace evolution, instructing them to joke about Christ's salvation and embrace one-world revolution; causing them to devalue human life and debunk accountability, leading them think that the way to become immortal is to become immoral; and in effect guiding them into the Lake of Fire instead of into the River of Life.

Such supposedly "great men" are actually dwarfs enlarged in the eyes of men through Satan's deceitful magnifying glass -- moral midgets who appear to be mental giants, but whose supposedly elevated coaching has plunged millions, including themselves, on the downgrade to hell with no way to stop the coach!

H. T. Davis told of "a stage-driver in a Western Territory was on his death-bed. He kept moving his foot from one side of the bed to the other. His wife said to him, 'What is the matter? 'O, said he, I am on an awful down-grade, and I can't get my foot on the brake.' If you continue in sin, in a little while you will find yourself on the awful down-grade, with no power whatever to stop. Better stop now, before you reach the awful down-grade, when it will be impossible for you to stop."

Also interesting is H. T. Davis' preceding paragraph, showing that many of those whom Davis considered to be in danger of being like the unable-to-stop stagecoach driver, were men who had been highly educated.  Here is the paragraph that preceded the above quotation from H. T. Davis: "Graduates of Harvard, Yale, and other universities are found throughout the wild West, and some of them are coarse, ugly, horribly profane, and physically low in their tastes. It is estimated that there are five hundred cowboys on the frontier that are graduates of first-class Eastern universities. Don't imagine that these cowboys out on the plains are all ignorant, stupid fellows. Many of them are bright, keen, and the ripest scholars. They yielded to sin and its evil influences, and they reached the lowest level in a very short time. "There is no descent so low as that which drops from the greatest height."

In our time those schooled and fooled by the devil through erudite "great men" are not so likely to be found riding the range, nor even suspected of being "stupid fellows". Most of the misinformed, misguided scholars of today are probably situated in positions of high respect and great influence where they too, in turn, are passing on their erroneous erudition.

Those who plan on staying out of hell should take heed about just what sort of "great men" it is from whom they learn. Proverbs 19:27 says, "Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge." It matters not how many degrees witty professors have nor how lucid their logic may seem, "if they speak not according to this word [God's Word] it is because there is no light in them" (Isaiah 8:20).  Their training is on a track toward the end of a line which shall crash to a sudden and eternal stop at the Judgment, and land themselves and all onboard into the abyss of everlasting destruction!

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