Tuesday, February 15, 2022

2-15-2022 Devotion: Prayer

 Matthew 6: 9: "In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name." In  first century Judaism, there were two main types of prayer: the public formal prayer in the synagogues and the more informal private prayer. The private prayer was spoken in the ordinary language of the day. It did not require formal training as the public prayer did. It is believed by some scholars that Jesus was referring to private prayer when He gave His instruction in these verses. Jesus was encouraging His disciples to speak honestly and without pretense to the Father. This is good advice for us today. Too often, we think we must have the right words and say the right thing to bring about the desired outcome. This is false. Follow Jesus 'advice and begin to just speak to your Heavenly Father. A good approach is to not make prayer a time of just asking for things. If you have been born again, you have all you need in this life to get to the glories of heaven in the next life. Spend your time on thanksgiving, praise and forgiveness of others. Don't use fancy words, use your words. And remember, He is listening.

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