Thursday, February 17, 2022

2-17-2022 Devotion: Judging

 Matthew 7: 1: "Judge not, that you be not judged." People that never read the Bible know this verse. Warn them that their conduct is sin and be prepared to hear, "Don't judge me!" Was Jesus prohibiting judging others? No, He was not. In verse 5, He calls someone a hypocrite. In verse 6, He references people He calls dogs or swine. There is a righteous kind of judgment we are supposed to exercise with care. Hypocritical and self-righteous judgement are forbidden by Jesus' words. When we do find ourselves in a position that we are to judge another's actions, we are to do so in love. We are never to judge with anger or evil motives. Judgment when exercised in love can be the means God uses to bring a soul to Him. We should not be afraid of Matthew 7:1. We should make sure that our eyesight is good and we can see honestly. Love others and judge when it is for the purpose of evangelism. 

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