Tuesday, February 8, 2022

2-8-2022 Devotion: Stepping Out in Faith

 Exodus 14: 14: "The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." The Egyptian army is barreling down on the Israelites. Pharaoh has changed his mind about letting them leave. This is an example of what a depraved heart looks like. Throughout Egypt, every home is hurting from the death of their firstborn. Yet, the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart and he is chasing Moses and God's people. The verse today is the words of Moses expressing faith to the people. The LORD did cause the Red Sea to divide. The Israelites passed through dry ground, but then when the Egyptians followed them, the Red Sea returned to normal and all the Egyptians drowned. Some Biblical scholars trying to remove the supernatural from the Bible have stated that at some times during the year, the Red Sea where this took place is only six inches deep. So, it would have been very easy to pass to the other side. If you believe this, you will have to admit it must have taken quite a while for the entire Egyptian army to drown in six inches of water! Ancient Jewish authorities tell us that the Israelites were required to walk into the Red Sea in faith until the water was at chin level before God parted the waters. Sometimes in life, when we are trusting God, we may have to step out in faith and only at the point of desperation will we see God's Mighty Hand move. But, it will move.

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