Monday, February 7, 2022

2-7-2022 Devotion: Under the Blood

 Exodus 12: 12: "For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgement: I am the LORD." This was the final plague sent by God to Pharaoh to force him to release the Israelites. The firstborn of every house would die unless the doorframe of that house was covered with blood from the sacrificed lamb on the doorframes. That night, the LORD "passed over" the houses with the blood applied. When all the firstborn died, Pharaoh released the Israelites. This is a type and shadow of what was to come with the LORD Jesus Christ. Consider the following: were the firstborns that were passed over any more righteous than those that died? Did the firstborns that lived have any special talent or worthiness that saved them? Did they say the right words or give any money? No, they were safe because they were under the blood. For us, we are not saved through any actions we do, or any personal righteousness, or any other act of our will. We are saved when we get under the blood of Jesus Christ. When we repent of our sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him Lord over our lives, we are safe under His blood. One final point, if any Israelite home didn't appreciate the danger they were in, they would not have covered their doorposts with blood. In the same way, no one is saved today unless they see himself or herself as a lost sinner. Have you ever realized that you were a lost sinner without the Lord Jesus Christ?

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