Saturday, February 26, 2022

2-26-2022 Devotion: Tell the Truth

 Matthew 13: 3: "Then He (Jesus) spoke many things to them in parables, saying: 'Behold a sower went out to sow.''' Jesus would explain that the parable meant that the sower sowed the Word of God. He went on to explain the different types of ground the seed would fall on. Different grounds included the hard wayside, the stoney places, the thorns and finally the good ground. Jesus spoke in parables , "because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand." (verse 13) Regardless of what you think about this text, the truth is that most people when they hear the Word will not receive it. It won't bear good fruit. Only a few will follow the narrow way. Most will enter in the wide path of destruction. Our duty is to sew the uncompromised Word of God. I don't water it down. I don't try to make it more appealing. I try to give the Word just as it is found in the Scriptures. God has His elect and they will hear the truth of God's Word and they will come to the Lord Jesus Christ. Those that come to Him, He will never send away. Our evanglistic duty is to give truth and we can be confident that God's elect will respond in faith. Be empowered today to just give the truth.

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