Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sixth Lesson of the Quarter: Defeat at Ai

 Today's lesson comes from Joshua 7: 1-12. Last week we studied how Jericho was destroyed. Joshua gave specific instructions about the precious metals found there. All the precious metals were to go to the treasury of the LORD. No one was to take anything for himself. The metals from Jericho was to be a type of firstfruits unto the LORD. Verse 1 states: "But the children of Israel committed a trespass...." Though the sin was hidden from the eyes of man, it was not hidden from the eyes of God. There is a principle that the children of Israel were soon to find out: "One way or another, sooner or later, secret sins will be brought to light" (Matthew Henry). There have been other instances in Israel's history when the sins of individuals halted the progress of the nation:

1. Miriam's murmuring against Moses. The camp could not go forward until judgment had been meted out.

2. In the New Testament, the Corinthian church had to deal with an individual who was living immorally. If the church didn't act, condemnation would have been upon the entire church. 

In our study today, Aichan's sin of covetousness and disregard for God's commands had to be dealt with. God hates sin and He wants His people to feel the same way  

The first section is: "Disheartening Defeat." (vv. 2-5) After the victory at Jericho, Joshua makes plans to attack the city of Ai. Ai is smaller having about 12,000 people. Joshua sends spies to search out the land. he spies report back and advise Joshua that it would take "two or three thousand men to defeat the people of Ai. However, Joshua was unaware of the hidden sin committed by Achan. Three thousand Israelites are sent to take the city. The men went to the gate of the city, but suddenly the troops of Ai surprise them. The Israelites "fled before the men of Ai." Thirty-six men lost their lives. News of the defeat spread among the people. They became discouraged and they became weak "as water." 

The summary points of this section are:

1. When God departs from you, no amount of planning will make a difference.

2. Never underestimate an enemy.

3. It is God who brings the victory, not man.

The second section is: "Pointed Prayer." (vv. 6-9) As a result of the defeat, Joshua does the following:

1. Goes into mourning (tears his clothes and dust on his head).

2. Goes to prayer to seek the LORD.

3. Goes before the ark of the LORD.

4. He asks questions of the LORD.

Joshua didn't know what to do. What would he tell the people? How could the defeat be explained? Had God brought them across the Jordan River to abandon them now? What would happen to God's great name when the word of the defeat spread among the Canaanites? The last question was Joshua's strongest argument, his concern for the glory of God. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. When you have trouble or are defeated, go to the LORD in prayer.

2. Make the name of our LORD your primary concern. 

3. God is faithful and unchanging.

The third section is: "Divine Direction." (vv. 10-12) The LORD answers Joshuas prayer as follows:

1. Get up.

2. Israel hath sinned.

3. Israel has transgressed His covenant. 

4. Israel has taken of the accursed thing and stolen.

5. As a result, Israel cannot stand before their enemies. 

6. They are accursed.

7. He will not be with Israel anymore unless Joshua destroys the accursed from among them.

God is clear in His response to Joshua. To allow sin to go unpunished is an affront to the name and nature of God. Sin cannot be covered up. It must be exposed and dealt with.

The summary points of this section are:

1. When God has made something clear, it is time to cease praying and start doing.

2. "Be sure your sin will find you out." (Numbers 32: 23)

3. Never tolerate sin in your life or in your community of faith.

The Golden Text is: "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." (Prov. 28: 13) The end result of our lesson today is that Achan, his sons, his daughters, his oxen, his donkeys, his sheep, his tent, all he had, was stoned by all Israel. The principle from this lesson is clear. First, do not commit sin and violate the commandments of the LORD. If you do sin, quickly confess and repent. In doing so, you will receive mercy.\next week: "Deceived by the Gibeonites." (Joshua 9: 3-16)

Next week: "Deceived by the Gibeonites." (Joshua 9: 3-16)

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