Thursday, February 3, 2022

2-3-2022 Devotion: Persecution

 Exodus 5: 7: "You shall no longer give the people straw to make brick as before. Let them go and gather straw for themselves." Moses has gone to Pharaoh to ask permission for the Israelites to go and hold a feast to the LORD in the wilderness. Pharaoh has a very negative reaction to the request. The people need straw to make bricks. They have a daily quota and without straw they won't be able to meet that quota unless they gather the straw themselves. This means more work and they are already worked to the level of exhaustion. Pharaoh punishes the people for wanting to worship God. Many times it seems like when you try to do the right thing before the LORD, people in authority don't like it. You get punished for trying to obey God. This is called persecution and Jesus told us it would happen to His followers. Persecution is real in the USA. Stand up against homosexual marriage or denounce transgenderism as an affront to the LORD or abortion. However, our response must always be to obey God. It is better to obey God than man. We have the assurance that in the end, we will see God's justice on those that come against His people.

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