Sunday, February 27, 2022

2-27-2022 Devotion: Limiting People

 Matthew 13: 57: "So they were offended at Him (Jesus). But Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his house.'" This was an ancient proverb similar to the modern phrase "familiarity breeds contempt." The people had known Jesus as a small boy and a young man and concluded that there was nothing special about Him. This happens so often in life. Your family and closest friends are the ones most likely not to recognize your achievements. You should recognize the power of the saying and if Jesus was subject to its power, so are you. The sad conclusion is found in verse 58: "Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief." It is important to understand what this verse is saying and what it isn't saying. The people's unbelief did not limit Jesus' power and authority. The Sovereign God will not force Himself on anyone. The people did not limit God, they limited themselves. We have the benefit of over 2000 years and we have no excuse not to believe in the Sovereignty and Power of the Living God. You can trust Him completely to do what is best for the Kingdom in your life. It might be healing and prosperity or might be sickness and lack. Either way, we are to praise Him for His love for us.

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