Tuesday, March 15, 2022

3-15-2022 Devotion: Be Light

 Exodus 23: 1: You shall not circulate a false report. Do not put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness." This verse is part of some Old Testament miscellaneous laws designed to insure impartiality and fairness and justice for all. Each Bible verse has only one interpretation. However, there are many applications. For our lives, we need to keep false reports to ourselves and not spread them around. We would not want someone doing that to us. This connects with the teaching by Jesus of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Moreover, we are not to be actively involved with the wicked. We need to live separate lives as much as possible consistent with our occupation. We will work with non believers, we will spend time with non believers, but that doesn't mean we are involved with immoral pursuits. In fact, we are to be a light to the lost. We can't hide from them, but we need to represent the Lord Jesus Christ when we find occasion to be with the wicked. Just don't grab the shovel with them to do something that you know would not be pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ. Be separate. Be light.

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