Tuesday, March 29, 2022

3-29-2022 Devotion: Small sins

 Numbers 3: 4: "Nadab and Abihu had died before the LORD in the wilderness of Sinai...." Nadad and Abihu were the sons of Aaron and had recently been installed to serve as priests. However, the two priests took their censors and offered strange (unauthorized) fire  before the LORD. As a result, fire came from the LORD and consumed them and they died. We don't know exactly what was strange about the fire, but we do know that it was so contrary to the instructions given by the LORD, it resulted in the rookie priests' deaths. The Bible has many examples of small sins with big consequences: eating the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3: 6), looking back at a city (Gen. 19: 26), hitting a rock (Num. 20: 11), touching the ark of the covenant (2 Sam. 6: 7), and lying about an offering (Acts 5: 1-11). We should be quick to seek forgiveness even for small sins. All sins are an offense to God. We should be like little children and come to him in humility and brokenness and seek His forgiveness. Another point to be emphasized is the seriousness about how God views worship. We should be mindful of what we are doing when we worship whether in song, praise or giving. We need a new sense of the awe of God. Today, meditate on the greatness of God.

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