Sunday, March 20, 2022

3-20-2022 Devotion: WWJD

 Exodus 33: 14: "And He said, 'My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.'" In this passage, Moses is interceding for the nation of Israel. If God is not going to go with them, why should they go any farther? If God was not going with them, they would not be a people set apart from other nations. Whenever we read words like, "set apart," we should remember that being set apart is the essence of sanctification. People, places and things may be sanctified. They are set apart for God's service. Whereas salvation is 100% of the Lord (by grace through faith Ephesians  2: 8-9), sanctification is a cooperative effort between you and God. Your sanctification begins the moment you are born again. When you make Jesus Lord of your life, you will begin the process to become more and more like Him every day. You don't sit and wait for this to happen to you, you must cooperate with the Holy Spirit and be obedient to whatever He shows you needs to be worked on. As you walk the Christian life, you should become more Christlike every day. There was a fiction book written many years ago, "In His Steps" that asked the question, "What would Jesus do?" Living the sanctified life is asking "What would Jesus do," and then do it. That is walking in holiness.

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