Sunday, March 20, 2022

Twelfth Lesson of the Quarter: Parting Admonitions

 Today's lesson comes from Joshua 23: 14. In chapters 14-19, Joshua and Eleazar the priest divides the land among the tribes of Israel. Joshua is nearing the end of his life and he was concerned about the Canaanite tribes which had not be driven out. There are many spiritual truths we find in these Scriptures. Joshua's three primary concerns were:

1. That Israel would keep the laws of Moses.

2. That they would maintain a separated lifestyle.

3. That they would cleave to the Lord. 

By doing these three things, Israel could maintain spiritual victory. Joshua's concerns and admonitions were not a "new gospel." They contained the time-honored message of love and faith toward God, hatred of sin, and separation from the world. This is as relevant a message for us today as in the days of Joshua.

The first section is: "A Land to Conquer." (vv. 1-5) Israel was in possession of the Promised Land. This meeting in these verses occurred about 14 years after the close of the major campaigns. Joshua was not speaking to his military commanders, but rather to the political and social leaders of the nation:

1. Elders were men of experience and wisdom.

2. Heads of Israel were the rulers of tribes and families.

3. Judges made decisions regarding the law.

4. Officers enforced the law.

Joshua refused to take any glory for himself. He gave all the glory to God for the victories. Their future battles would be won just as those in the past, by the power of God. They needed to remain dependent on God and not each other. Joshua delegated to each tribe to drive out the remaining Canaanites and that he reinforced that God's promises were still theirs. God would "drive them out." 

The summary points of the section are:

1. God's promises do not have an expiration date.

2. A good recipe for defeat is to fight in your own strength, not God's strength.

3. Walking the Christian life is both a land of rest and of continued warfare.

The second section is: "A Law to Keep." (vv. 6-10) Joshua is going to give three concerns to the Israelites:

1. They needed to stay obedient to God's laws. In the beginning of the book, the Lord told Joshua to "be strong and of a good courage." Now Joshua, nearing the end of his life, admonished the Israelites with the same words (23:6).

2. They needed to not be too friendly with the Canaanites. Doing so would lead to idolatry. They were not to mention even the names of their deities. The step to spiritual collapse begins with being too familiar with those who are not following God. Undue familiarity soon leads to contamination.

3. They must "cleave unto the LORD." To cleave is to cling. Their dependence on God had brought them victories and continued dependence and faith in God would assure them of victories in the days ahead. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. In keeping God's commands, do not compromise with the world.

2. To have fellowship with unsaved sinners can lead to fellowship with sin.

3. We need to tightly hold on to Christ every moment of our lives. 

The third section is "A Love to Maintain." (vv. 11-14). In this final portion, Joshua is giving some practical advice how to not turn your back on the Lord. In verse 11, Joshua says "Take good heed therefore unto yourselves...." "Unto yourselves" means "to your souls." It is a good practice to ask yourself, "How is my soul? Am I walking close with the Lord, or with the world?" In verse 12, he warns the people about going back to the Canaanite nations because they will intermarry and have relationships with them.  Separation is a necessary part of purity. Separation must be based on your love for the Lord Jesus Christ and not on anything else like a church denomination or position. 

Joshua was aware of the potential danger. It wasn't militarily because had God promised them victory. It was moral and spiritual. The people needed to keep a strong for the Lord and a hatred for sin. The Israelites had to remain separate to be pure. If not, the Israelites would become ensnared and lose the land which God had given them. 

Joshua realized that he was about to pass away. Death awaits us all. However, Joshua wanted to testify "that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you...." Since God had been faithful to the people, they were to be faithful to Him. The Bible scholar Dr. Adam Clarke said: "No people were more fairly warned, and no people profited less by it." 

Let the same not be said of us.

The summary points of this section are:

1. You need a spiritual check-up.

2. Do not be tied or yoked together with unbelievers.

3. Death awaits us all. Be prepared.

The Golden Text is: "Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love the LORD your God." (Joshua 23:11) Satan would like to lure you into never taking a spiritual check-up. Are there things in my life unpleasing to the LORD? The carnal mind is at war with God even (and especially) after you are born again. We must never lay down our swords in this life as we battle the evil around us. Let us be faithful until the end.

Next week: "The Covenant Renewed." (Joshua 24: 14)

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