Saturday, March 26, 2022

3-26-2022 Devotion: Shout for joy

 Psalm 35: 27: "Let them shout for joy and be glad, Who favor my righteous cause; And let the LORD be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant."  David is concluding his prayer with a joyous conclusion because he has confidence in the LORD that He desires to bless His servants. The last phrase is used by television "preachers" to teach that God wants everyone "healthy, wealthy and wise." This is an example of taking a verse out of context, isolating it, and reading into it what you want it to say. In interpreting a Scripture, we are to "read out" of the text (called Exegesis) and not "read into" the text (Eisegesis). The former method is legitimate, the latter is illegitimate. We are to handle the Word of God with care, properly studying it to learn its true meaning. In this case, David is saying that God will favor his righteous cause and bring him to a place where he will be shouting for joy because God desires to bless His servants (not necessarily make them financially rich). When you are talking to God in prayer, it is a good habit to end with assurance in the character and purposes of the LORD. He knows best and will do best.

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