Sunday, March 6, 2022

3-6-2022 Devotion: Context

 Matthew 19: 26: "But Jesus looked at them and said to them, 'With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"  This verse is another one that is read out of context to create a meaning not intended by the Lord Jesus Christ. People facing a difficult situation at work or in a relationship might say, "I don't see a positive result but with God all things are possible." I remember representing a man who had filed a lawsuit. It was the day before the trial and the other party made an amazing generous offer to settle. I met with the client and his girlfriend to discuss the offer and the need to take it. I explained there was an issue of evidence that we could not win. The client refused the offer saying, "With God all things are possible and I believe somehow He is going to do something special for me." I tried to explain to him the error of his thinking. He refused. We tried the case and just like I predicted, he lost. The purpose of this verse in context is about someone becoming born again. Man does not have the power to save himself. Man is dead in tresspasses and sins. How can a dead person do anything? He can't! But with God, all things are possible! Context can prevent misinterpreting Scriptures. Know that no one is beyond the reach of God. For with Him, salvation is possible to all who will come!

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