Tuesday, March 22, 2022

3-22-2022 Devotion: Honesty in Prayer

 Psalm 35: 9: "And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD; It shall rejoice in His salvation." Psalm 35 is about David bringing his situation to the LORD. First, he complains about the situation. Second, he prays about the situation. Third, he rejoices at God's intervention. This is another example of Hebraic prayer. David is complaining before God. He is not rebuked for complaining, nor does his attitude stop God from helping him. David is being really honest before the LORD. That is the point for today. In prayer, be honest and real. You will find when you do, the entire experience is more meaningful. According to the research company Barna, the average Christian prays 1 minute a day and the average pastor only 5 minutes a day. Imagine maintaining a close relationship with your loved one if you only talked to them 1 minute a day. How would your relationship change with God if you spent more time in honest prayer? I encourage you to pray with honesty. He already knows your thoughts so He is ready for whatever you want to say. Complain, cry, scream, but in the end, rejoice in His salvation. Your salvation is the most important thing in this life. Make sure you are ready for the next life!

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