Thursday, January 16, 2020

Don’t Compromise

BLJ: There is a danger in man pleasing. When you allow your fear of others to cause you to cease from the walk on the highway of holiness, you have compromised. Compromise is a great danger to the church collectively and to the individual. Candidly, I believe most churches have more of the world in them than they do the Holy Spirit.


When a Christian on any level of responsibility sees that he must succumb to the carnal element in order to survive -- if he sells out and surrenders his convictions in order to remain secure with men, he will become insecure with God, and will be headed toward that spiritual wilderness where there is no balm. Many poor souls, like King Saul and Judas, have reached that hopeless state before they ever left this world (Heb. 3:19).

The Children of Judah revolted until there was no mollification for them with the oil of the Holy Spirit (Isa. 1:5-6). There was no balm for them because they would not repent of the wrongs they had done -- nor would they change their ways and live right. "To be saved from the leprosy of sin therefore, is to be saved from leprosy of self." [48]

Anyone who reads the chapters of this book may feel that some of the statements are too severe, and they may wonder: "Is there no balm?" What could be more tragic than the desolation of the deserted house? (Matt. 23:38). As there was no balm for old Israel when they rebelled against God -- just so there will be no balm for us if we fail to enter into the life of true holiness (Heb. 4:1). Think of the soul-torturing anguish when a lost soul finally realizes he is eternally and hopelessly locked up in hell and banished from God forever! (Heb. 6:3-6). When we get to where these Scriptures no longer frighten us, we are in deep trouble, because "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (Prov. 1:7). Where is the fear of God when backslidden church members can continue brazenly down this apostate road, over the top of warning after warning? Many will hunt for the answer to that question for all eternity in that world "...where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched" (Mark 9:44).

BLJ: While some may find Bro. Boardman's book harsh, he is sounding an alarm that needs to be sounded. The church has compromised with the world. It's not too late, but its getting close. The church needs to preach holiness morning, noon and night. It needs to be clearly proclaimed from the pulpit, from the Sunday school room and from the nursery. Holiness unto the Lord, both now and forever more!

There comes a time in the process of human rebellion when it is too late for any balm, because the moral and spiritual cancer has made such headway that there is no cure. There is no balm or mollification for those who have allowed that infernal monster in their hearts (the carnal mind) to go too far in withstanding the Holy Ghost. "For to be carnally minded is death" (Rom. 8:6).

BLJ: Don't delay! Don't procrastinate! Today is the day of salvation, full and free!

"Death enters, and there's no defense,
His time there's none can tell;
He'll in a moment call thee hence,
To heaven or down to hell."

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