Saturday, January 4, 2020

Don't Fumble Your Faith

BLJ: Over the recent years, I have encountered many who believe they are sanctified wholly because they took it by faith. They got a little blessed and believed they had the real thing. Yet, in their quiet times they secretly express doubt that the work has been done. They only seem to be sanctified when things are going well for them. However, when the trials and troubles of life arise, their actions and words reveal that the work has not been done. They repeat their shallow commitment, try to believe and repeat the process again and again. This is so unnecessary. If one will take the time to take the death-route and die out one carnal trait at a time, become a public seeker (this will destroy pride), and earnestly seek a crucifixion of self, then one cannot expect a real heart purification. You will know for sure and no one can talk you out of your Biblical experience.


Now, God's gifts are given under God's conditions. No more than He would grant saving faith to an unrepentant sinner, would He give sanctifying faith to a seeker who is unwilling to fully consecrate his all and fully die out to his carnal nature. When one is unwilling to let go of self, God is not going to sanctify his heart by faith. God will never do anything contrary to His nature, His will, or His wisdom. Certainly, He is not going to give the gift of faith to receive His blessing, unless we meet His conditions. 

We said this faith must be exercised, but that cannot be done without God's aid. Here many come to a point of danger. Many find themselves in a position of struggling to believe, but they cannot, because carnal self has not died, and God will not enable their faith to operate. Others, also without proper groundwork, may try to "take it by faith," and go away fooled into thinking they have received the blessing of heart holiness. This leads to deep disappointment and chaotic confusion.
The late Rev. Alva Turner, one of the most saintly men we have ever known, bequeathed to the holiness people this lovely legacy: "The death route makes faith operative." There is not enough faith in the whole world to sanctify even one person who will not accept the "Via Dolorosa" to his own crucifixion. 

Those who never took the "death-route" never really took the "faith-route." What they thought was faith, was presumption, because it was out of harmony with the Word of God. These deceived ones took the "presumption-route" and it led them up a dead end street and into the fog of endless confusion. It is utterly impossible to become sanctified by presumption. But remember -- those who try to take it by faith when they are not on believing ground are like a train that tries to keep on going after it has jumped the track.

BLJ: If someone can talk you out of your sanctification, then I doubt you ever had the real experience of heart holiness. Once you know you have been crucified, you simply take an inventory. Is there anything in my heart except the love of God? Am I committing known sin? Is there some duty the Lord has placed upon me that I am refusing? If the answers are "no" then you can in faith believe that your experience is up to date and top shelf as some of the old-timers would testify.

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