Sunday, January 26, 2020

Fourth Bible Study: Idolatry Established

The lesson today is from 1 Kings 12: 25-33. Last Sunday we saw that the kingdom became divided. Ten tribes rebelled against Rehoboam., left him, and chose Jeroboam to be their king. Jeroboam was a man of great ability, and had experience in managing the affairs of government. Moreover, he had been given special promises by God. However the promises were conditional on his obedience: "hearken unto all that I command thee." The lesson today deals with Jeroboam's failure to keep God's commands. The result was idolatry. Nine times in the books of 1 and 2 Kings, we read the phrase, "Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin." What a legacy! What a tragic failure! Today we study some of the steps that led to that idolatry and the warning for us in our life.

The first section is "Carnal Reasoning" vv. 25-27. Jeroboam felt insecure in his new kingdom. He built new sanctuaries, enlarged the city of Shechem, which was the center of the northern ten tribes. As soon as he had fortified one city, he went out to build other fornications. Even with all the building and planning, Jeroboam still did not feel secure. He was afraid that if the people of the northern tribes traveled back to Jerusalem for the required feasts three times a year, they might seek to reunite with Judah (the southern two tribes) and he would be in danger of losing his life. Therefore, Jeroboam devised what he thought was a clever measure to counteract the tendency to reunite with Judah. He started a new religion in order to keep the status quo. He was able to keep the breach between the two kingdoms for many years. Jeroboam's reasoning was carnal. It was selfish, prideful and demonstrates a lust for power. While his plans were successful, he forfeited the promise and favor of God. He cultivated idolatry among the people and this led to their moral downfall. No matter how successful something may appear, those that forsake God and deep piety are defined for failure. Carnal reasoning will lead to idolatry, death and destruction.

In our church life, we are to worship one God, with a true purpose, and in the "fullness of the blessing," without divisions. I have seen churches split. I have seen denominations split. Almost always, there is a carnal reason for such divisions. The Apostle Paul told the Corinthians that those who were causing division in their church were "yet carnal." Carnality is powerful. You cannot overcome it. Only by dying to carnality, surrendering it to God, can the power of the Holy Ghost destroy it.

The second section is "Corrupting Idolatry" vv. 28-31. Jeroboam set up new symbols of worship. He "made two calves of gold." These would not have been like the calves Aaron made. Jeroboam would not have been so short-sighted as to introduce a worship which had brought the fierce wrath of God on the people. Most likely the calves were imitations of the cherubim of Solomon's temple. The calves were imitations of true Godly worship. The lesson to be learned is that when a church lets down and goes into worldliness and compromise, they do not go in one giant step. Experience teaches us that the first step is something that is almost like the real worship. For example, there was a time when holiness churches maintained strict standards on dress and entertainments. Some were perhaps too strict, but in the lessening of those standards, what has been the effects? God blessed that old church, and many shouts of victory were heard in the regular services. "True holiness" was insisted on, and the ministry cried out against all forms of worldliness and lukewarmness. I remember before being in the ministry, while attending a "modern holiness" church, that I complained that a young woman appeared on the platform participating in the service in a mini dress and that it set a poor example for the other young women to follow. If she had just been attending the church, not a word would I have said. I was told that I was too old fashioned and legalistic. It wasn't long before I left that church for a real holiness church. Some Biblical standards need to be maintained. For example, both men and women need to dress modestly. That is the holiness way. Some entertainments were forbidden by the conservative holiness churches. We need to revisit the move away from those standards. My point simply is that God blessed the old church with real revivals, shouts and the young people saw God move. Today, we have replaced the move of God with a social gospel. Are people being saved and sanctified today like in years gone by? If something is broken, common sense says we need to go back to where it last wasn't broke and get back on track.

Jeroboam set up his imitation symbols in Beth-el and Dan. Bethel was in the southern part of the kingdom close to Jerusalem and Dan in the northern part. He made it easy to attend the idolatrous services. We see the same thing today. People look for a convenient church and one that will tell them what they want to hear. They go when it is convenient for them. Churches and ministers need to preach the rugged truth. Jesus came to save His people from their sins, not in them. Salvation is full and free. It is full because there is a second work of grace called entire sanctification. Carnality can be removed from the heart of the believer when the conditions have been met. Thank God for holiness!

The third section is "Religious Hypocrisy" vv. 32, 33. Jeroboam created a feast like the Feast of Tabernacles. He created a counter-attraction to God's feast. He offered a substitute to keep people away from the real deal. In my opinion, that is what most American churches do now. They offer a subsitute holiness for true rugged holiness. Jeroboam offered what he had devised in his heart. The carnal heart is capable of extreme deception to lure people away from the truth of the Gospel. He left the ritual and worship which were authorized by God and went to the ceremonies and forms which were of his own devising. Jeroboam threw away all that might have been, and trampled the divine pearls under his feet.

Jeroboam's plan lead to Israel falling and remaining in sin. Most of the kings of Israel after the kingdom was divided were evil men that committed idolatry. That was the fruit of Jeroboam's choices. What are the fruits of churches today that refuse to teach holiness with some standards? We know the fruits of preaching holiness with standards? They were revivals, protracted prayer meetings, and people being saved and sanctified. The case lies before you. You can decide which approach had the smile and approval of God. Choose wisely.

The Golden Text is "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3). Anything you place before God will be an idol. He must be first in your life. That is a reason that carnality or the old man must be destroyed. Otherwise, there will be a constant battle for control. Friend, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ and know you are saved, please pay the price to get sanctified wholly. Don't let it be said of you, ___________, caused his family, friends, etc. to sin.

My summary points:
1. Carnality will lead to idolatry and ultimately destruction of your soul.
2. Holiness with Biblical standards is a needed message for the church.
3. God has a better way for you then religious hypocrisy. Don't be a Jeroboam.

Next week: "Elijah, the Tishbite." (1 Kings 17: 1-16.

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

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