Saturday, January 11, 2020

Don't Sin Against Light

BLJ: Never sin against light. This means if you know something is wrong, don't do it. If you do so, and continue to do so, the light that shows what is right and wrong will grow dim. There is a place the old timers called, "crossing the dead line." This is the place where the Holy Ghost no longer speaks to you. Repentance is highly unlikely. Eternity is forever, don't disobey the Spirit's leading.


Multitudes of poor souls continue sinning blatantly and brazenly over the top of light, till they get to the place where the light goes out and they can't get their prayers through to God. King Saul got to that state. Others get to the sad state where it is impossible for them to believe God. St. John said there were people who COULD NOT BELIEVE (John 12:39). He then quoted Isaiah as saying the reason they could not believe was because "He [God] hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them" (Verse 40). God blinded their eyes? That's right!

BLJ: God will allow you to harden your heart and conscious. The end result is disastrous.


God hardened old Pharaoh's heart back in Egypt. No less than six times Moses declared that God hardened Pharaoh's heart. (Ex. 7:13; 9:12; 10:1, 20, 27; 14:8). How can we account for that? It is not difficult to understand how God hardened Pharaoh's heart at the same time that He softened the heart of Moses. The same sun that softens the wax, hardens the clay and the sun is not to blame for the two opposite reactions. God's light shining on Moses, melted him; and the same light shining on Pharaoh hardened him. God is not to be blamed when His light and truth and conviction hardens the hearts of the rebellious. My friend, if there is the smallest, faintest speck of rebellion in your heart against obeying God, you should be scared almost to death, because every pleading and overture of the Holy Ghost in your behalf will harden your heart if you reject it, until you will get to the place where your heart will become so hardened that you cannot pray and you cannot believe.

The ranks of the righteous are loaded with poor, wretched, withered souls who have walked against light so long that they are deluded and have deviated from the path of truth. They have been that way so long there is hardly a faint chance they will ever find their way back. When they get to that deplorable state where they can't touch God in prayer and they can't believe, what hope have they? None whatsoever! unless through deep repentance, through the mercy of God, they can yet be softened and their faith re-ignited. However, the Scriptures make is explicitly clear that many souls get so far out that they can never get back.

Alright! Where did they miss it? They missed it when their will first clashed with the will of God, and they set up a trend of disobedience in their lives. They wanted their own way, and they became determined to run their own lives. They refused to "die to self" and "die out" to the will of God, and let Him run their lives. They took their lives into their own hands, and they ran it into the fog -- then into the darkness, and finally into the regions of hell. And God will not stop any individual against his will.

BLJ: Holiness is about crucifying self and surrendering your entire will to the will of God. The old-timers called it surrendering "the unknown bundle." You give God all your past, present, and your future. This is the best life you can live.

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