Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Old Man's Child: Miss Miff Tree or Pout

BLJ: I have seen this carnal child in every church I attended or pastored. I once had a church member get so upset when a visitor sat in "their seat" that she threatened to leave if I didn't ask the visitor to move. I told her she needed to get sanctified and that really sent her up the miff tree! I have seen ministers who had not died to their ministry and if they did not receive a position or title, up the tree they went. Carnality is ugly.


Another very thriving child of the Old Man's family is daughter Miss "Pout" or "Miff
Tree." You can usually tell this child from the rest of the family by certain traits. The lips are usually thrust out the face often has a sullen look, the breast often swells out with self-sufficiency resembling a peacock or turkey gobbler (in this respect you must look very closely not to confuse her with Pride). Or in stead of a swelling up there may be a shriveling up like an dried apple, or an old potato late in the spring.

This child may be found in every church. She is a great church goer. You will find her in the pew and in the pulpit. Yes, there she comes as special singer, or organist, or Sunday School teacher, or member of the official board, or church boss, or steward, or janitor, or preacher, or evangelist, or camp meeting leader, or district superintendent, or missionary, or ? ?

She must be petted and humored to get her to work. Her name must always head the list. She must have the best pew in the church, must be asked first to sing, or play, or teach, or preach. Must have the best church in the conference, must be looked up to (woe to the one who fails to accord her the proper dignity, honor and praise). She is easily offended; and if you are not careful, instead of praying around the altar, or singing, or preaching, or pushing the battle when the hard pull comes, she will be perched top in the miff tree, taking it easy, fanning herself and saying, "Let them get along the best they can. They don't appreciate one anyway. They will know it when I help them again."
The Old Man is very fond of this child; in fact, she is one of his pets. And she is very partial to him. They are great chums. The Old Man can use her where her brothers Anger or Fury or Murder or Adultery could not work at all in killing a church, or a camp meeting, etc. She is a good mixer and can work where her brothers would fail. She has such a good reputation and standing right in the church. This enables her to work great havoc to the cause of God where others would fail. While she is the pet of her father, the Old Man, the Bible is her dreaded foe. In fact, she loses all her liberty and vainglory when she meets the Sword of the Spirit. There is one blade of the sword that simply robs her of all her joy and peace. When meeting this blade, she has to run to her father for consolation and comfort. That particular blade that causes her so much trouble is, "GREAT PEACE HAVE THEY WHICH LOVE THY LAW: AND NOTHING SHALL OFFEND THEM." Now, this blade simply robs her of all joy and peace until she despairs of her life. And she would give up and die were it not for the dope that her father, the Old Man, injects into her veins when she has a sinking spell. Another blade that gives her heart these sinking spells is, "Charity (Love) is not provoked," She can bear this blade with some comfort when it contains the word "easily." But when this word is left out, as in the Original Greek, her heart simply fails her. And only the most powerful injections from her father, the famous Dr. Old Man, can keep her heart going. If she could only escape from her father, she would go off and die. She did go to a great camp meeting and went to the altar to die, but her sister, Good Reputation, succeeded in deceiving her by making her believe she was dead. Professing to be dead, she went back home but those who live with her and know her best declare that, like the possum, she does not seem to be very dead under certain circumstances.

Some details that manifested the Miss Miff Tree experience. These traits are taken from personal testimony. You may find your picture here.

Went up the Miff Tree WHEN
Not invited to preach
My name did not head the list 

Not asked to pray
Not asked to sing
Not elected to office
Not given the best church 

Asked to wash dishes 
Lied about
Unjustly criticized
Not asked first
Told of my faults
Some one else was praised
I had the hardest work
Others infringed on my rights 
I could not be boss
I was teased
My car was used

People did not bring things back
I could not drive
My friend went with another person 

Dinner was not ready
Clean floor was tracked
Told how to do my work 

Falsely accused
I had to wait for my wife
I could not be in the chorus 

Another was advanced over me

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