Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Humanism and Self Promotion

BLJ: At the time Bro. Boardman wrote his book, Robert Schuller was the main voice of promotion of self as opposed to crucifixion of self. Today, there are a number of television prosperity preachers that would fall into the same ditch. Their message is all about you as the focus instead of God as the focus. God becomes the "granddaddy sugar daddy" who sits in heaven and wants to give you a Cadillac and make you monetarily rich. I find it is interesting that these "preachers" ask you to give them money for their ministry needs and they tell you to trust God to provide for your needs. This humanistic approach is opposed to the death-route and must be avoided at all costs.


Anything less than the crucifixion of self, is, in essence, rebellion against God, because either Christ or self will reign in every life. When self demands control, then Christ backs off (Luke 14:26). He will not play "second fiddle." Self on the throne is humanism -- self worship. Humanism, which, in essence, is rebellion against God, leads directly into witchcraft and the occult, because Samuel said, "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft..." (I Samuel 15:23). Carrying this analogy a step farther: the spirit of self-worship, which places self before God, is the spirit of Antichrist. When self is elevated, Christ is lowered.

BLJ: To oppose holiness is to oppose God.

Thus, carnality leads from rebellion to humanism; from humanism to witchcraft; from witchcraft to apostasy, and from apostasy to eternal damnation. This coincides with the reasoning which led the preachers of the early holiness movement to preach "holiness or hell" -- an emphasis which the more liberal holiness advocates will no longer accept.

BLJ: Carnality must be dealt with to make heaven.

The humanist says, "I can do all things through the latent powers within me, once those powers are released." The Christian says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Phil. 4:13). Therefore, the crucifixion of self is the only absolute safeguard against humanism, witchcraft and eventual apostasy. When one shies away willfully from the crucifixion of self, he invites self-worship and is on the open road to humanism, witchcraft, apostasy and finally, eternity in the fires of hell, without God and without hope forever.

"Oh, how I hate these lusts of mine,
That crucified my God;
These sins that pierced and nailed His flesh
Fast to the fatal wood!

Yes, my Redeemer, they shall die,
My heart has so decreed;
Nor will I spare those guilty things
That made my Saviour bleed.

While with a melting, broken heart
My murdered Lord I view
I'll raise revenge against my sins,
And slay the murderers too!"

BLJ: Who is in charge of your life? Is it you or God? Who has rule over your heart?


There may not be a stronger anti-death-route voice in the electric Church of today than that of Robert Schuller, pastor of the famous Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. His television program, "THE HOUR OF POWER," is said to be the most widely watched church telecast in the world, and is raising up "self-esteemers" by the multitudes. His doctrine of self-esteem is the very opposite from the self-renunciation, which is supposed to be the controlling conviction of all true Christians toward self. His brand of self-esteem is the carnal pride which Christ will not tolerate in any of His followers. Why does Mr. Schuller not realize that for one to exalt self is to supplant God? Someone has said: "To DEIFY man is to DEFY God."

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