Friday, January 17, 2020

Results of Death-Route Rejection

BLJ: This is a somber, but necessary read. Bro. Boardman was sending a warning. Regrettably, I have witnessed first hand death-route rejectors. It has ALWAYS ended poorly with severe backsliding and probably losing salvation.


Now, with the difference between mere consecration and the total crucifixion of self being made clear by the testimonies of Lyle Potter and E. E. Shelhamer, in chapter one, we turn to a far more serious opposer than one who simply misunderstands what we mean by the term "death-route." We refer now to one who DOES have a clear understanding of the term, and yet does everything he can to stamp out both the term and the reality for which it stands. This opposer soon discovers how impossible it is to oppose the "death-route" without also opposing the ones who endeavor to promote it, as well as the God who originated the plan and placed it in the Bible.

In Hebrews 4:1, we are warned against coming short of "soul rest." We know this "soul rest" refers to holiness because verse nine says it is only for the people of God. When Christ prayed that the disciples might become sanctified, He said the world could not receive this blessing (John 14:17).

Many "death-route" rejecters have bitterly opposed the preacher under whose influence and preaching they went down the "death-route," almost to the terminal, saw the price of crucifixion, and backed out. Often there is a bitterness that causes such an one to spend years trying to destroy the influence and ministry of the man who preached them under this deep conviction in the first place. In many instances their bitterness against the "death-route" is so pronounced that it aims at ALL "death-route" promoters. Such an opposer seems not to realize that when he tries to destroy the influence of a "death-route" holiness preacher, he is waging war against the Holy Ghost Himself. This is a sin for which Jesus said there would be no forgiveness (Matt. 12:31-32). Such interference becomes a very serious matter with the judgment day and eternity facing us all.


Did you ever notice how often those who reject the "death-route" take the "kill-route"? So often they will try to destroy the "death-route" emphasis and the influence of its loyal supporters. Killer bees are not honey producers. Wherever they migrate the bottom falls out of the honey-producing business. The honey bees do very well until the killer bees move in with their detrimental influence. The same thing may happen when a carnal element moves into a spiritual church. Please think of this the next time you are tempted to bring your killer-bee-spirit into the ranks of the righteous.


Have you not noticed that persons who come to grips with deep, "death-route" conviction, and reject it, often become problem personalities in their church, in their homes and wherever they work or do business? Their carnality seems to become more sensitive and bitter than it was before they rejected the light on "death-route holiness."

It seems also, that persons can be far more difficult and disagreeable after they have backslidden from a pure, sanctified state of grace. Matthew 12:43-45 may throw some light on this mystery. This passage states that when an evil spirit is cast out of a person, that evil spirit is very unhappy until he returns and finds that heart where he once resided, empty, swept and garnished. It seems the Holy Spirit Who purified that heart had departed (I Sam. 28:15). Adam Clarke says that "empty, swept and garnished" means the Holy Spirit and His fruits were gone and left the heart empty. The evil spirit then reenters that heart, bringing with him seven of his cohorts, making that person seven times more wicked than he was in the first place.

In this connection Adam Clarke has this to say:

The last state of that man is worse than the first. His soul, before influenced by the Spirit of God, dilated and expanded under its heavenly influences, becomes more capable of refinement in iniquity, as its powers are more capacious than formerly. Evil habits are formed and strengthened by relapses; and relapses are multiplied, and become more incurable, through new habits.

"So shall it be also unto this generation." And so it was: for they grew worse and worse, as if totally abandoned to diabolic influence; till at last the besom [broom] of destruction swept them and their privileges, national and religious, utterly away. What a terrible description of a state of apostasy is contained in these verses! May he who readeth understand. [51]

Peter also sounds the depths of this mystery in words which should soften the hardest heart. He declared:

"For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein and over come, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them" (2 Peter 2:20-21).

Some of these "death-route" rejecters will leave the church, and it may become impossible to ever get them back. Others will stay in the church for years, but they seem more inclined to create personality problems than they did before they were ever saved. Carnality, when it receives a threatening blow, and yet is not entirely killed, or perhaps later comes back to life, seems to be more on its guard, and more jealous of its citadel than in former years before it was disturbed. It is therefore, a very dangerous thing for one to come to grips with the issue of true "death-route" holiness and reject it, and settle back into a carnal state and decide to stay that way. It is no less perilous for one to pray through, receive this wonderful experience of holiness, and then lose it because of disobedience or carelessness, and turn away from it, and oppose it.

It has been noticeable at times, that people who were extremely sensitive to making restitutions when they were first converted, when they later on backslide, can get involved in the most terrible sins within the church, against God's anointed, and never once be willing to repent and make confession and restitution for their wrongs. Many times they don't admit to being backslidden. They continue to function in the church in their former capacity. Even when the pastor or evangelist preaches on restitution as strong and clear as words ever could make it, they may become more rebellious and reactionary, but they do not feel conviction, or guilt as they one time did. Some refer to this as being gospel hardened, or having a seared conscience (I Tim. 4:2). At any rate, it is a very dangerous condition to fall into (Matt. 12:45).

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