Saturday, January 25, 2020

The "Old Man": Bible Photographs

We are going to spend a few weeks on the "old man." The "old man" is another way of describing inbred sin or carnality. I am troubled when people try to make carnality just some human frailty or lapse in judgment. Carnality is a root in the heart of the unsaved and the saved but unsanctified. It takes a Divine act preceded by a complete death-route experience and appropriating faith to become entirely sanctified. As we study the next few weeks, search your heart for evidence of the "old man."


Almost innumerable are the traits or manifestations of the old man. In the sinner, the old man reigns supremely. Going to the Word of God, we shall first endeavor to get some photographs of him as a whole. Later, by the grace and help of the Holy Spirit, we hope to take up some of the most important details of this noted old man.

To get a life-like picture of him, study the following: 
1. The whole head-sick. -- Isa. 1:5.
2. Eyes -- full of adultery.-- 2 Pet. 2:14.
3. Mouth -- full of cursing. -- Rom. 3:14.

4. Lips -- poison of asps. -- Rom. 3:13.
5. Tongue-- full of deadly poison. -- Jas. 3:8. 
6. Throat -- an open sepulchre. -- Rom. 3:13. 
7. Hands -- full of blood. -- Isa. 1:15.
8. Feet -- swift to shed blood. -- Isa. 59:7.

9. Bones -- full of sins of youth. -- Job 20:11.

10. Heart -- deceitful, proud, depraved, jealous, murderous, revengeful, corrupt, desperately wicked, hard, impenitent, Satan's throne, covetous, unthankful, unholy, fierce, adulterous, etc., etc. -- Bible, Genesis to Revelation.

11. From head to foot -- wounds, putrefying sores. -- Isa. 1:6.

"The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear." -- Ps 58:3,4.

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