Saturday, January 18, 2020

Rejecting Holiness is Rejecting God

BLJ: Regrettably, I have seen supposedly sanctified church members argue and separate over the most ridiculous subjects, such as furniture, carpet, etc. The sanctified will be able to resolve their differences Biblically, the way Jesus taught.


Many have followed strong personalities out of the will of God. They sometimes form strong collusions which create head-on collisions between personalities, which seriously damage the work of God, defy the Holy Ghost and crush the hearts of the Spirit-filled and the conscientious. The only way to safeguard against getting caught in this apostate condition is to die out completely to the last trace of carnality and have a purified (sanctified) heart.

When warm, holy friendships are damaged or destroyed by personality collisions, only the Holy Spirit can cure the leprous condition in the church and in the lives of those affected -- and then, only when the guilty ones will humble themselves, repent and make wrongs right. It is always easier for the innocent ones to seek reconciliation than for the guilty. However, any who reject all pleas for reconciliation, and who refuse to repent of their wicked influence have no more hope of heaven than Esau whom God hated (Rom. 9:13), or Ephraim who was "joined to his idols" (Hosea 4:17). No Christian would ever fall into this pitiful condition if he had allowed God to crucify his carnality, purify his heart and guide his steps.

Sanctified people always grieve when the devil uses carnality in the church to effect division and devastation. They long for healing and will do what they can to accomplish it, as the Lord leads. Jesus taught that "...if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift" (Matt. 5:23-24).

BLJ: Carnality causes much church strife.

Even the most unintentional misunderstandings will sometimes cool warm friendships. However, when both parties involved are genuinely sanctified "holy" and "wholly" the remedy which Jesus prescribed in Matt. 18:15-17 will work marvelously. However, it will not work when either party is stubborn and unrelenting.


This is striking, but true: if one willfully rejects the crucifixion of his carnal self when he sees the light, he automatically rejects and forfeits the benefits of Christ's crucifixion and atonement. As long as one's reactions are carnal, the Old Man is not dead. The Scriptures plead: "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach" (Heb. 13:12-13). Bearing His reproach, which means nothing less than crucifixion, is a requirement of all true followers of Jesus. As Christ took His "death-route" to PROVIDE our sanctification (Heb. 13:12) we are to take our "death-route" in order to RECEIVE our sanctification (v. 13). Christ requires the crucifixion of all of our proud, stubborn, selfish, old, carnal ego before He will enter the control room of our hearts and take over. This "death-route" is the only Scriptural highway from the corruption of carnal self to heart-purity in Christ. "Death-route" opposers are devastating to true Christianity. They have been known to blanket official boards, or ruling bodies along with other top officials, with letters, bitterly denouncing the "death-route" and have been successful in removing a segment of the "death-route" emphasis from the denomination's official literature. This is a deadly thrust against true holiness at the very heart of the holiness church, through its publication department! Be not surprised when spiritually vigorous movements thus lose the power of the Holy Ghost. Are not all Christians supposed to be responsible for the preservation of Scriptural and spiritual heritage? Are they not supposed to stand up in defense, when former, holiness landmarks are threatened? Is it not mockery at its worst, when those holding responsible positions in a holiness church militate against true holiness and promote an off-brand substitute?

BLJ: Simply put, to reject holiness is to reject God.

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