Monday, November 30, 2020

Message: Salvation's Provision and Conclusion in Six Words


"It Is Finished" -- "It Is Enough"

John 19:30 -- Genesis 45:28

Genesis 45 is one of the most moving chapters in the Bible!  In it we see typified THE GREAT CONCLUSION of our Salvation at the Revelation of Christ.  In three words uttered by Christ on the Cross we can see THE SPIRITUAL PROVISION of our Salvation, and in three words uttered by Jacob in Genesis 45:28 we can see THE ETERNAL CONCLUSION of our salvation.

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"It Is Finished" -- "It Is Enough"

John 19:30 -- Genesis 45:28

Genesis 45 is one of the most moving chapters in the Bible!  In it we see typified THE GREAT CONCLUSION of our Salvation at the Revelation of Christ.  In three words uttered by Christ on the Cross we can see THE SPIRITUAL PROVISION of our Salvation, and in three words uttered by Jacob in Genesis 45:28 we can see THE ETERNAL CONCLUSION of our salvation.

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In Genesis 45, there is a Beautiful, Typical Picture of "The Eternal Conclusion Of Our Salvation":

After being sold for 20 pieces of silver into Egyptian bondage (Christ was sold for 30 pieces of silver), you remember how 13 years later God raised Joseph to be 2nd only to Pharaoh in Egypt.  Then, after 7 years of plenty and 2 years into the coming 7 years of famine, WHEN JOSEPH WAS AGE 39, his guilty brethren, who had rejected him, sold him into bondage, and presented his blood-stained garment, had come to buy corn in Egypt.  I need not go into detail: -- You know how all of this typifies Israel's rejection and crucifixion of Christ.

THEN, GENESIS 45 TYPIFIES THE COMING REVELATION OF CHRIST to that Final Remnant of the Jews -- AFTER The "fulness of the Gentiles be come in" (Romans 11:25).

First: -- Joseph commanded, "Cause every man to go out from me," and he REVEALED HIMSELF TO HIS HUMBLED BRETHREN!  Let me draw the picture as I see it to occur: -- On the Day of the Lord, just before His Revelation to the Entire World, JESUS IS GOING TO PRIVATELY REVEAL HIMSELF TO PENITENT ISRAEL.

If I am right, after a multitude of orthodox Jews see that anti-Christ has deceived them, they will pray earnestly for the Return of their True Messiah.  THEN IT IS, that Jesus will miraculously show Himself to them -- PRIVATELY -- excluding all others on earth -- just as Joseph PRIVATELY revealed himself to his guilty brethren.

Privately, and DRAMATICALLY -- in Gen. 45:3 -- Joseph told his humbled brethren, "I AM JOSEPH."  After their initial shock, Joseph wept a long while on Benjamin's neck, then kissed and wept on the other penitent 10 brethren.  HERE WE SEE TYPIFIED THE PRIVATE REVELATION OF JESUS to penitent Israel, and their Forgiveness, New Birth, and Cleansing with His blood! "And so ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob" (Romans 11:26).

With Jesus' bringing of the Final Remnant of Israel into the Church, soon thereafter "THE ETERNAL CONCLUSION OF OUR SALVATION" shall occur.  He shall next Reveal Himself to The Whole World, and shortly thereafter forever put down all evil!  However you interpret the timing of what occurs after "ALL OF SPIRITUAL ISRAEL IS SAVED," God is going to "wrap things up quickly," for Romans 9:28 tells us "He [Christ] will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because A SHORT WORK WILL THE LORD MAKE UPON THE EARTH."

As I see it, Genesis 45:28 typifies what shall soon occur after Christ's Revelation to the final remnant of the Jews.  Happily Jacob was convinced that Joseph was yet alive, and was Reigning in Egypt -- and he said, "IT IS ENOUGH"!

Here, as I see it, we can see "THE ETERNAL CONCLUSION OF OUR SALVATION"!


I HEAR JESUS SAYING to All: -- "IT IS ENOUGH"!  Hear Him address:

TIME: -- "IT IS ENOUGH" -- you are done, for Time shall be no longer!

SATAN:-- "IT IS ENOUGH" -- I let you do as you did throughout Time, but MR. DEVIL, YOU ARE THROUGH -- FOREVER!  Depart from Me into the Everlasting Flames prepared for you and all of your fellow demons!

SAINT OF GOD:-- "IT IS ENOUGH" -- Throughout Time, I allowed the sufferings of the curse to bring you pain, suffering, sickness, sighing, along with the temptations and fiery darts of the devil -- but, MY DEAR CHILD, "IT IS ENOUGH"!  Now, FOREVER, you shall be forever free from all of this -- with ME, with My Holy Angels, and with all of the millions of your fellow, bloodwashed Children of God -- IN THE NEW HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH WHEREIN DWELLETH RIGHTEOUSNESS!

"Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34)!

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There, as I see it, in 6 words, "IT IS FINISHED" AND "IT IS ENOUGH" -- we see the "SPIRITUAL PROVISION" and "ETERNAL CONCLUSION" of our "GREAT SALVATION"!

Beyond Christ's announcement at Calvary, "It Is Finished", nothing more needed to be done to save every lost child of Adam, and Adam himself!

Beyond Christ's pronouncement after His Revelation, "IT IS ENOUGH", not one more soul shall ever be saved! -- All who have failed to obtain His saving grace before that time shall be forever lost!  DON'T BE ONE OF SUCH!

Beyond Christ's pronouncement "IT IS ENOUGH" to His Children, not one saint shall ever fall from His grace or be removed from his place IN THE NEW JERUSALEM!

In closing, I present AN "ETERNAL" ALTERATION of two verses of J. M. Kirk's song, "Our Lord's Return To Earth Again":

"I am watching for the coming of the glad Eternal Day,

When our blessed Lord shall come and catch His waiting Bride away!

Oh, my heart is filled with rapture as I labor watch and pray,

For our Lord is coming back to earth again!

"Then the sin and sorrow, pain and death of this dark world shall cease,

In a glorious reign with Jesus in eternal joy and peace!


When our Jesus shall come back to earth again!

Oh, our Lord is coming back to earth again,

Yes, our Lord is coming back to earth again!



After Jesus shall come back to earth again!

My Beloved and Precious Brethren: -- You need not agree with my views as I have set them forth in my book, HDM0124, "His Appearing and His Kingdom" (2 Timothy 4:1), but, I invite you to read it prayerfully and thoughtfully.  If you still do not agree with Duane Maxey, NO PROBLEM! -- so long as we ARE and REMAIN prepared for Christ's Return -- which, by the way, I believe might occur NOW! -- Duane V. Maxey, December 29, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ninth Bible Study of the Quarter: The Happy Home

 Today’s lesson comes from Psalms 127 and 128. A key to having a happy home is that each member of the family is living in harmony with the laws of God. I remember my mentor Rev. Herbert Norton and the Christian boarding house he managed. There were certain rules for the guests that included both spiritual and physical considerations. The house ran smoothly because the rules were followed. In the same way, when we follow God’s rules, we will have a happy home. The Scripture does give clear instruction regarding the responsibilities of the husband, the wife, and the children.

Psalm 127vis the second psalm in the third trilogy of the “Songs of Going Up.” (See last week’s lesson)The first portion (vv. 1,2) deals with the dwelling place of man, and the remaining portion with the gift of children (vv. 3-5) in Psalm 128, we find the blessed condition of a man who fears the Lord. He has a happy home (vv. 1-3) and a long life (vv. 4-6).  Putting the two psalms together gives us some key characteristics of a happy home.

Psalm 127

In Hebrew, the first verse could be translated: “If the LORD does not build the house, in vain labor its builders in it; if the LORD does not keep the city, in vain stays awake the keeper.” Our human efforts only succeed by divine blessings. We are successful when we are dependent upon God for strength, health, wisdom, providential care, and safety. In Deuteronomy 28, there is a list of blessings and curses. The obedient get blessings and the disobedient get curses. 

To “build the house” involved more than creating a physical structure. To raise a family without the direction of God will end in disappointment. The only sure way to proceed is to follow the Word of God. As Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, he was careful to arm the laborers. Yet, though armed, he constantly sought God in prayer. To be secure, our human efforts are to be paired with God’s laws to bring about a safe and happy home. 

Verse two addresses the futility of the individual whose life is wrapped up in acquiring material wealth. This verse is a reproof against seeking the world and material gain to the point of physical and spiritual harm. It condemns earthly pursuits apart from God. While God does not bless a “do nothing, welfare mentality,” He does not want us to live out of balance. He must be first in our hearts and efforts. 

The first two words of verse four could be translated as, “Sons are a gift of the Eternal.” They are a heritage or inheritance from God. Our children belong to Him and are given to us as a trust. The sin of abortion murders the children of the Lord that have been entrusted to the parents. Children are not a bother nor an encumbrance. They are the “fruit of the womb,” a reward, a blessing and favor from God. Happy is the person with many children. They will be strong spiritually and physically as the parents grow old. 

Who is really rich? Is it the person with lots of money and no children or the poor man with a happy family? Which person is truly blessed? Who has the greatest treasures?

Psalm 128

The last verse of Psalm 127 begins, "Happy is the man." The first verse of Psalm 128 begins with, "Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD." The person who orders his life in accordance with God's commands will be blessed indeed. Since God is "no respecter of persons" (Acts 10:34), this is promise is available to everyone. This is the practical side of Christianity. In contrast to those who "labor in vain," the man who fears the Lord will enjoy the fruit of the labor of his hands. This is a general promise regarding the prosperity which our religion affords.There is happiness and reward in labor. Work is not bad, in fact it can be seen as a gift. The person who fears the Lord, walks in His ways, and is industrious, will enjoy the blessing of God. 

Verse three states that thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine. In Palestine, the vine was a symbol of fruitfulness and beauty. In the same way, the faithful wife is a blessing to her husband and her children. She is fruitful in good works, kindness, thrift, helpfulness, affection, consolidation, and comfort. The phrase "by the sides of thine house" can also be s "within thine house." 

God had promised Abraham that his seed would be as the stars of heaven and the sands of the seas. (Genesis 15:5) In this psalm, children are pictured as olive plants. Shoots of new growth spring up from the parent tree, perpetuating its life, and eventually producing the fruit which it can no longer bear. Thus, the children hold the promise of future blessing. 

All the above circumstances illustrate that the man who fears the Lord is blessed of the Lord. He enjoys the fruit of his labor, his faithful wife, and a bright future with his children. Obedience brings many blessings and we should never allow disobedience to slip in and destroy the blessings God has for us.

The name Zion in verse 5 was originally applied to the fortress area which David captured from the Jebusites. When Solomon built the temple to the north of the area, the entire section became known as Zion. The temple area is now included in the term Zion. The Lord's blessings would come from His presence. Today, when we attend church we are blessed by His presence. There will be stability and prosperity in Jerusalem and we will share in His blessings as well. 

"Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers." The man who fears God will not only enjoy a wonderful home life, a secure dwelling, and blessed times of worship, but he will also enjoy an extended posterity through his children and grandchildren. 

The psalm concludes with the words, "Peace upon Israel." The phrase is often used as a closing benediction--"May God bless His people."God's cause will prosper and triumph. Such should be the prayer of all who fear the Lord and enjoy God's blessings.

The Golden Text is: "But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children." (Psalm 103: 17) God's mercy is better than life, for it will outlive it. First, to their souls, which are immortal; to them the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. Second, to their seed, which shall be kept up to the end of time. (Matthew Henry) 

My summary points:

1. The person who is truly rich is the one who walks in obedience to all the light God has given him.

2. Disobedience brings curses and misfortune.

3. What you choose impacts your children and grandchildren.

Next week's lesson: Search Me, O God. (Psalm 139: 1-14; 23, 24)

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Message: Gaining a Spiritual Loss


"Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss." Acts 27:21

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"Nine-year-old Henry struck upon the idea of hiring his little brother as his servant. "I'll give you ten cents a week," he said. Little Tom agreed. Henry then felt he'd offered too much money. "I can only pay you five cents a week, after all," he said. Little Tom agreed, just as cheerfully. Thinking he could get the child for even less, Henry said, "All I can pay is a penny a week." Hesitantly, his little brother agreed, but protested: "Don't raise it any lower." (from Humorous Stories)

Yes, as contradictory as it may seem, there are "raises" which actually "lower" one's profit and "gains" which bring us "loss". It is a paradox, but true, not only in the financial realm but also in the spiritual realm as well. More than one forlorn wage earner has discovered that the "raise" which his crafty employer gave him in reality "lowered" his pay when increased hours work was laid upon him or some fringe benefit was therewith taken away. Laborers in today's fields of employment whose just wages are thus "kept back by fraud" might well protest such practices in the words of the little boy: "Don't raise it any lower!" Likewise, in the spiritual realm, one should not only protest, also shun, the gains which the crafty old devil offers which are actually great losses.

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Frequently it is the consequence of sin, as when Adam and Eve gained the knowledge of evil resulting in the loss of good, God's smile and fellowship, and eternal life. Many times it is the consequence of placing a higher value on the material and temporal than one places on the spiritual and eternal:

"The Swedish Nightingale, Jenny Lind, made a great success as an operatic singer, and money poured into her purse. Yet she left the stage when singing her best and never went back to it. Once an English friend found her sitting on the steps of a bathing machine on the sea sands, with a Lutheran Bible on her knee, looking out into the glory of a sunset, and asked her: 'How is it that you ever came to abandon the stage at the very height of your success?' Jenny Lind's quiet answer was: 'When, every day, it made me think less and less of this (laying a finger on the Bible) and nothing at all of that (pointing to the sunset), what else could I do?'" (adapted, author unknown)

The sunset of life for us all is approaching faster than we may realize. How vital it is that we value the spiritual and eternal above the material and temporal. Sad indeed are the consequential losses that come from some earthly gains. Sometimes, as in the case of the incident recorded in Acts 27:21, the gaining of a loss is the result of human impatience and a determination to "sail on" in spite of a timely, Divine admonition spoken through a faithful messenger.

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One morning a Christian farmer in Rhode Island put two bushels of rye in his wagon and started to the mill to get it ground. On his way to the mill he had to drive over a bridge that had no railings to the side of it. When he reached the middle of this bridge his horse, a quiet, gentle creature, began all at once to back. In spite of all the farmer could do, the horse kept backing till the hinder wheels of the wagon went over the side of the bridge, and the bag of grain was dumped out and fell into the stream. Then the horse stood still.

Some men came to help the farmer. The wagon was lifted back up to a safe position on the bridge, and the bag of grain was fished up from the water. Of course, the grain could not be taken to the mill in that state. So, the farmer had to take it home and to dry it. He had prayed that morning that God would protect and help him through the day, and he wondered why this accident had happened.

He found out, however, before long. Upon spreading out the grain to dry, he noticed a great many small pieces of glass mixed up with it. If this had been ground up with the grain into the flour, it might have caused the death of himself and his family. Jehovah-Jireh was on that bridge. He made the horse back and throw the grain into the water in order to save the farmer and his family from the danger that threatened them. (adapted from Dictionary of Illus.) Romans 8:28--Selah

Friday, November 27, 2020

Message: He Meant What He Said



"The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits" (2 Timothy 2:6).

"For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: BUT AS OF SINCERITY . . . SPEAK WE IN CHRIST." (2 Corinthians 2:17).

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It was Friday, or Saturday evening, June 2, or June 3, 1972 when I reached the home Guy and Jennie Forrester in Gresham, Oregon, a northern suburb of Portland, Oregon.  The dear old retired holiness preacher and his wife were hosting me for supper.  They were the first members of my "new" pastorate in Portland, Oregon that I met, and during their kind and gracious hospitality, I quickly realized that they were two of God's precious, sanctified saints.

As I recall, they allowed me to spend a night or two at their place, and then on Sunday morning, June 4, 1972, which was my 35th birthday, I preached my first message to the members and visitors of the Portland, Oregon, Bible Missionary Church, located at 5309 S. E. 115th Avenue.  As a single pastor, soon the church supplied me with a nice apartment on S. E. 122nd Ave., just a few blocks away from the church building -- the place which became my home for the more than five years of my pastorate in that city.

Dear Sis. Jennie Forrester was there during all of the time I pastored there, but Bro. Forrester went home to be with Jesus, two years or so later, perhaps in about 1974.  A neighbor who lived directly across the street from the church was a professional builder, and we hired him to build, in memory of Rev. Guy Forrester, the altar, part of which you can see pictured above in front of the pulpit, behind which you see me standing.

Never once during the time in which I pastored Bro. Guy, and Sis. Jennie Forrester, did either one of them ever fail to graciously receive the truths God gave me to preach.  They had been gracious in RECEIVING ME when I arrived, and they continually RECEIVED God's Truth as well!

Dear Bro. Forrester had been a Holiness Evangelist for years before he retired, and one day, not all that long before God called him Home, I asked him what it was to which he attributed his success as an evangelist.  His reply was brief, but poignant, and I have not forgotten it to this very day!  He said,

"I didn't have much to say, but I meant it." I don't recall him raising his voice when he spoke the last three words of his reply, but THEIR GREAT IMPORTANCE lodged unforgettably in my mind, and I recall them as clearly today as I did shortly after he spoke them, many years ago: -- "I MEANT IT"!

In relationship to what Bro. Forrester said that day, I shall expound very briefly on my two texts above:

01 -- "The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits" (2 Timothy 2:6).  In his reply, I believe that Guy Forrester was telling me, I HAD WHAT I PREACHED! -- and brethren, this is another ABSOLUTE IMPERATIVE!  One may be a gifted orator and have a theological DD., but he will not be truly effective as a preacher unless HE HAS WHAT HE PREACHES!  For this reason, in order to be fruitful preachers we must have received true Salvation, both works of grace, and STILL HAVE THAT GRACE!

02 -- "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: BUT AS OF SINCERITY . . . SPEAK WE IN CHRIST." (2 Corinthians 2:17).  In his reply, I also believe that dear old Bro. Guy Forrester was telling me, "I WAS SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE PEOPLE COULD TELL THAT I SINCERELY MEANT WHAT SAID!"

No matter how well-arranged a preacher's messages may be, nor how loud his warnings, or how lovely his wooings, people will not be deeply moved by the Holy Ghost, unless they sense that the preachers SINCERELY MEANS WHAT HE SAYS!

My brothers, when we pass on, may God help every one of us as preachers to have had the same true success as that dear old Holiness Evangelist!  NO GODLY MINISTER OF CHRIST COULD HAVE A BETTER EPITAPH on his tombstone, if it could be truly engraved there: -- "I didn't have much to say, but I MEANT IT!"

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truth 20


TEXT: -- "O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: IT IS NOT IN MAN THAT WALKETH TO DIRECT HIS STEPS" (Jeremiah 10:23).

It is NOT IN MAN to direct his own steps.  This is particularly true regarding unregenerate men who have not the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them.  However, even regenerate and sanctified Christians, apart from Christ, DO NOT HAVE IT IN THEMSELVES HUMANLY TO DIRECT THEIR STEPS!  Without the inspired direction of the Holy Spirit not even the most godly saints can correctly direct their steps.

Illustrating how the Natural Man doesn't have it in himself to direct his steps, we read in Acts 27:10-11 (during Paul's voyage to Rome) how Paul thus warned the owner of the ship and others, saying, "Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives."  However, "the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by Paul."  You know "the rest of the story."

Illustrating how sanctified men don't have it in themselves to direct their steps we read in Acts 16:7, how when Paul and Silas "were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not" (Acts 16:7).

While a truly sanctified Christian CAN often exercise more discernment of what may be the right way to proceed than can an unregenerate person, Proverbs 3:5 STILL APPLIES him: -- "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and LEAN NOT UNTO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING."

Recently, Dorothea and I had the opportunity to buy a little place which, at first, seemed to me to be "just right" for us and a place we could afford to buy.  But, when it "came right down to it," I was troubled.  My text above, "it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" (Jeremiah 10:23), had come to mind.  Finally, I told Dot that I felt that we should NOT buy that place.  After making this decision, peace came to me.  I believe that it was the Holy Spirit Who troubled me about buying the place, and it was He also Who gave us peace when we together agreed not to make that purchase.  Frankly, neither one of us knows WHY God checked us from buying that little place.  Neither of us wants to continue paying $900 per month rent for this place, but the owner does not want to sell.  So, things are still in limbo, but GOD KNOWS WHAT LIES AHEAD, and Psalm 37:23 says, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way."  Thus, our Precious Shepherd will let us know what our next step is -- to the right place, and at the right time!  Praise His name!

Proverbs 3:6 instructs us thus: -- "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths."  As Christians, God wants us to seek to know His will "in ALL OUR WAYS."  There are probably many minor mundane things about which God is pleased to let us use old-fashioned, good sense.  However, the closer we live to Jesus, the more important we shall feel it to be that we seek His will about ALL THINGS -- especially if we feel uneasy about doing this or that.

Proverbs 16:9 gives us more on this subject, "A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps."  It IS wise to plan ahead, and there is nothing wrong with trying to apply sanctified judgment in this regard -- so long as we allow "the Lord to direct our steps" -- give Him time to speak, and the chance to "check us," instead of making snap decisions that foolishly "run ahead of God"!

Proverbs 21:29 says, "A wicked man hardeneth his face: but as for the upright, he directeth his way."  WHEN GOD TURNS ON THE ALARMS in one's soul, every true, and obedient Child of God will "HIT THE BRAKES IMMEDIATELY"! -- instead of driving full-speed ahead with his own plans -- and, "he will direct his way" as GOD DIRECTS, instead of AS HE WISHES!  Conversely, if one is a hardened sinner whom God warns to stop, that man may ignore every Divine Alarm and go right ahead and do what he wants to do!  WOE BE UNTO EVERY SOUL who does this!

Here is the difference between Hardened Sinners and Humble Christians: -- a) The former DIRECT THEIR OWN WAY, without any input from God, but b) The latter DIRECT THEIR PRAYERS to God, humbly seeking HIS DIRECTION EVERY DAY: -- Psalm 5:3, "My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I DIRECT MY PRAYER UNTO THEE, and will look up."  It is ALWAYS our duty to direct our prayers unto God, but NEVER our privilege to ignore God's direction!

My precious Christian brethren, Psalm 119:5 implores our Lord thus: -- "O THAT MY WAYS WERE DIRECTED to keep thy statutes!"  When this is the true and deep cry of one's heart, he (or she) can be assured that it SHALL BE ANSWERED!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truth 19


In this very brief message I shall relate two stories about being saved from making no progress to Heaven.  The stories are short, but poignant!


Two travelers, who fancied they were abundantly able to take care of themselves, entered a railway passenger car when the train was being made up and found comfortable seats.  They had dropped into conversation when the porter looked in and told them to go forward.  "What is the matter with this coach?" they asked.  "Nothing," he grinned, "only 'tain't coupled on to anything that'll take you anywhere." (from 1000 Ill.)

John 1:12 tells us, "as many as received" Christ Jesus, "to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."  Act 1:8 says, "ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."  Until/Unless believers in the Church have received "the power of the Holy Ghost" in Christ's saving, sanctifying power THEY ARE GOING NOWHERE spiritually, for without that power they AREN'T COUPLED ON TO ANYTHING THAT WILL TAKE THEM ANYWHERE"!  It takes MORE than a comfortable Head-Religion of believing on Christ in the denomination of our choice to make the journey Heavenward.  We must have Heart-Religion that has us "coupled onto" Him who gives us the power to be true Christians who are truly moving forward every day toward Heaven!

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Some trees had been felled and the logs were shoved down the side of the mountain to hit a stream below so as to be carried to the mill where they would be cut and planed for the purpose of building.  One log, unfortunately, had reached the stream too near a back-eddy, and, instead of being pulled on down stream toward the fulfillment of the purpose for which it had been cut, it was completing circles over and again under the influence of this revolving current aside from the main stream.  A man beheld this unfortunate log as it repeatedly circled and shot toward the main stream.  It would break into the current of the main stream a little, then be pulled back into the eddy, next time to complete a wider arc and shoot toward the main stream with greater force.  Up to a certain point, it would increasingly enlarge its arc and propulsion toward the main current, and at times it would be enough influenced thereby that it looked like it might escape the eddy, but it never did.  Curious, the man returned in the evening to see if the log had broken out of its useless circles, but the man wrote:  "The poor log was still there, busy as ever in not going onwards: and I went upon my journey, feeling very melancholy for this tree, and thinking there was very little hope for it." (Dictionary of Illustrations #4539)

Please bear with me as I make the following application: -- When born into this world, we are, as it were, felled by God spiritually and shot down the mountain-side of life so as to enter the WILL OF HIS PURPOSE and be moved forward into the Mill of Divine Providence where He plans to cut, plane, and shape us to be part of His Church.  However, MANY who have been shot down the mountain-side have been caught in a Satanic back-eddy and become trapped therein.  Instead of moving onward toward the fulfillment of God's purpose at His Mill, they waist countless years "going nowhere" toward the fulfillment of God's Will.  If such never escape this trap of the devil they will be cast into everlasting fire from the Judgment.  In the story above, the forlorn onlooker thought it possible, if not probable, that the log he had beheld would NEVER escape.  However, I have GOOD NEWS for every reader: -- i.e., no matter how long Satan has trapped a soul in one of his powerful back-eddies, CHRIST JESUS IS MORE THAN A SORROWFUL ONLOOKER!  HE IS THE ALMIGHTY SAVIOR OF EVERY SIDE-TRACKED SOUL! -- and when one who is desperate to escape from his BACK-EDDY OF SIN, cries out to Christ, JESUS PULLS THAT SOUL OUT INTO THE THE MAIN STREAM OF HIS WILL, and moves him on down to the main stream to the planing mill of His grace, and MAKES HIM A USEFUL TIMBER IN THE CHURCH OF GOD!  HALLELUJAH!  He did it for ME, and He will do it for you too! -- "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).  GLORY!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Multigenerational legacies – the story of Jonathan Edwards

Multigenerational legacies – the story of Jonathan Edwards

This account is the result of one man living for God versus another man living for sin. You don’t hear much from the pulpits today about sin and the need to repent and being born again. You hear people say, “they accepted Jesus,” like it was an election. No one is saved until they see themselves as a lost hell bound sinner in need of a Savior. That was the message preached by Jonathan Edwards. Your life doesn’t just affect you, it influences generations. How will you be remembered?

Monday, November 23, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truth 17


THE HANDS OF CHRIST JESUS are "THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD" (Hebrews 10:31).  Reader, I urge you to read all 7 of the truths that I present below in this brief message.  They are of Eternal Importance. -- Bro. Duane, May 20, 2015

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The Hands Of Christ Jesus, The Living God


"Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and THE HEAVENS ARE THE WORKS OF THINE HANDS" (Hebrews 1:10).  Yes, Christ, the lowly Jesus of Nazareth, is our GREAT CREATOR.  He Who in Heaven, "being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God . . made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men" (Philippians 2:6).  His neighbors in Nazareth thought Him to be just another carpenter, yet "ALL THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM; and without Him was not any thing made that was made" (John 1:3)!

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The Hands Of Christ Jesus, The Living God


In Isaiah He tells us, "I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even MY HANDS, have stretched out the heavens, and ALL THEIR HOST HAVE I COMMANDED" (Isaiah 45:12).  Not only did the lowly Jesus of Nazareth create the universe, but HIS HANDS CONTROL EVERY QUARK IN IT! (The smallest particle of matter now known to mankind is the "quark".  Christ Jesus COMMANDS EVERY QUARK in the universe.  No wonder He could command every quark in the sea of Galilee to "be still" -- and instantly that tumultuous sea became completely placid and calm!

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The Hands Of Christ Jesus, The Living God


The hands of Jesus control every quark in our bodies also.  Thus, during His earthly ministry He manifested his All-Mighty Power to Heal.  Luke 13:13, "From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?"  Of course, the answer to that question was, the "mighty works of Jesus' hands" came from the fact that He was God-Incarnate!  He could heal with His hands, or in any other way He chose.  Mighty God WAS HE, and still today, Mighty God IS HE!  HALLELUJAH!

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The Hands Of Christ Jesus, The Living God


Matthew 19:13-15, "Then were there brought unto him little children, that He should put His hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.  But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And He laid his hands on them, and departed thence."  Mark 10:16, "And He took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.  Luke 24:50, "And He led them out as far as to Bethany, and He lifted up his hands, and blessed them."  The hands of Jesus were loving and blessing hands, throughout His earthly ministry, and even as He ascended back into Heaven.  One songwriter said,

"There's not a single blessing

Which we receive on earth

That does not come from Heaven,

The Source of our New Birth."

HALLELUJAH!  The hands of the ascending Jesus have continued to bless all mankind with gifts of His Love and Grace ever since that time -- and, for the obedient, THE BEST ARE YET TO COME!

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The Hands Of Christ Jesus, The Living God


Psalm 22:16, "For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced My hands and My feet."  Zechariah 13:6, "And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then He shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends."  John 20:20, And when He had so said, He shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord."  How horrible the sight! -- when Jesus' hands and feet were pierced by those nails that crucified Him on that Roman cross at Calvary!  Yet, HOW WONDERFUL THE SIGHT when the scars of those nails on Christ's resurrected hands and feet were seen! -- AND HOW BLESSED TO KNOW THAT THE BLOOD JESUS SHED AT CALVARY, THIS VERY MOMENT CLEANSES ME FROM ALL SIN!  Thanks and Praise be to His Precious Name FOREVERMORE!

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The Hands Of Christ Jesus, The Living God


Isaiah 5:12, "And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but THEY REGARD NOT THE WORK OF THE LORD, NEITHER CONSIDER THE OPERATION OF HIS HANDS."

OH SIN OF ALL SINS! -- THE SIN OF IGNORING AND COMPLETELY DISREGARDING THE OPERATION OF CHRIST'S HANDS AT CALVARY! -- it was THIS work of the Hands of Jesus which made it possible for every lost son and daughter of Adam to be saved!  Nobody shall suffer Eternal Punishment because of committed sin!  ALL WHO SUFFER THAT ENDLESS AGONY shall do so BECAUSE THEY HAVE IGNORED TOO LONG, OR REJECTED, THE BLOOD OF JESUS, SHED FOR THEM AT CALVARY!!

Hear the cry of the Savior Whose shed blood is being ignored by countless millions as they swiftly move in a mighty sinful torrent toward the Eternal Falls into the Lake of Fire:

Isaiah 65:2, "I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts."  Romans 10:21, "But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people."

Not just unbelieving Israel, but vast numbers of pleasure-loving, sin-loving Gentiles also have IGNORED THE OUT-STRETCHED, NAIL-PIERCED HANDS OF CHRIST as they sweep past him and over the precipice of Time into Eternity -- there to be FOREVER ENGULFED IN HELL'S FLAMES!

None of these was foreordained to that awful suffering, for "The Lord is . . not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).

Reader, "the operation of Christ's nail-pierced hands at Calvary" has provided the way whereby YOU too may be forgiven of all your sins, be cleansed from all unrighteousness, and make Heaven your Eternal Home -- if you will repent of all sin, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, obey His will, and be faithful unto Him till death.

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The Hands Of Christ Jesus, The Living God


Following the Last Supper, we read in John 13:3 of how JESUS KNEW "THAT THE FATHER HAD GIVEN ALL THINGS INTO HIS HANDS" -- including the judgment of all, and the eternal separation of the righteous from the wicked -- WHICH SHALL INVOLVE HIS RIGHT AND HIS LEFT HANDS.

  Matthew 25:31-34, "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of his glory: And before Him shall be gathered all nations: and HE SHALL SEPARATE THEM ONE FROM ANOTHER, as a shepherd divideth His sheep from the goats: And HE SHALL SET THE SHEEP ON HIS RIGHT HAND, BUT THE GOATS ON THE LEFT.  Then shall the King say unto THEM ON HIS RIGHT HAND, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."

  Following that blessed invitation to those on Jesus' RIGHT HAND, we read in Matthew 25:41, 46, "Then shall He say also unto THEM ON THE LEFT HAND, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. . . And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal."

THUS, "IT IS A FEARFUL THING TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD" (Hebrews 10:31), for they are the hands of the Great Creator and Controller of all things, the Healing hands which Lovingly touched and Blessed so many while He dwelt on earth, the Nail-Pierced hands which shed His blood for us at Calvary, yet the Ignored and Disregarded hands of unbelieving and impenitent sinners, but at last they shall be the ETERNALLY SEPARATING HANDS AT THE JUDGMENT!

Heb 9:27 -- announces with absolute certainty: -- "It is appointed unto men once to die, but AFTER THIS THE JUDGMENT."  Also, Job 34:22 warns all that "There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves."  A man may have his body cremated, have his ashes ground into powder, and have that powder strewn over a vast amount of ocean, or upon the highest, most remote mountain tops on earth -- YET CHRIST WILL CALL HIM FORTH TO STAND BEFORE HIM AT THE JUDGMENT!  "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad" (2 Corinthians 5:10).

After this, those on Christ's LEFT HAND, the wicked, "shall go away into everlasting punishment" but those on His RIGHT HAND, the Righteous, shall be taken with Jesus "into life eternal" (Matthew 25:46).

In closing, reader, let me urge you: -- If you have not yet repented of your sins and received Divine Assurance of your salvation, DO SO RIGHT NOW!  Regard the work of the Lord and the operation of His nail-pierced hands at Calvary to bring you salvation NOW, WHILE YET YOU MAY!

"Precious Lord, I ask that You will powerfully apply the truths in this message to the heart of every individual who reads it, and help all readers who are unsaved to obtain mercy and forgiveness through your blood JUST NOW, while yet they may!  In Jesus Name I pray. Amen." -- Duane V. Maxey, May 20, 2015

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Eighth Bible Study of the Quarter: Our Help is from the Lord

 Today’s lesson comes from Psalm 123: 1-4 and Psalm 124: 1-8.  The Bible has many examples of people who faced adverse circumstances. For example: the Israelites at the Red Sea, Hezekiah threatened by Sennacherib, Peter in prison facing execution, Paul facing shipwreck. In each case, it looked hopeless. But God! What are the keys which brought these individuals through their dilemma? What are situations today that Christians face because of their faith? It could be the loss of their job, ostracism, loss of friends, etc. What should they do in such cases? Today’s study will help answer this question.

Psalms 120-134 are called “Songs of Degrees.” We assume these short psalms were sung by pilgrims going to Jerusalem to worship. Some scholars group these 15 psalms in 5 sets of 3 psalms each. Our lesson comes from the first and second psalms of the second set. The pilgrim in Psalm 123 is under oppression, looks to God for support and help. In Psalm 124,  the psalmist rejoices in the deliverance he received from God.

The first section is “A Cry for Help.” (Psalm 123) In verse 1, the psalmist lifts his eyes up to pray. In our culture, we generally bow our heads when we make a petition to God. Actually, it is more natural to look upwards when in prayer to God. His throne is in heaven above. When looking up, you are doing so in expectation, trust, and dependency. Verse 2 makes reference to an eastern custom of a servant being ever ready at their master’s slightest gesture to respond. Our eyes wait upon the LORD ever ready to obey His slightest prompting. The psalmist had fixed his eyes on the Lord because he had experienced the scorn and contempt of men to the point of excess. The psalmist was anxious to catch the slightest token of God’s favor which would speak to his troubled heart. Moreover, he was looking to God as his Source of sustenance and deliverance. Verse 2 states”so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us.” The psalmist was committed to keep his eyes on the Lord while he awaited His deliverance.

“Have mercy upon us, O LORD. The psalmist did not plead his personal merit, but rather for mercy. The issue was left entirely in God’s hands. Verse 4 informs us that he was “exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease.” The psalmist had reached a point of desperation that he couldn’t take much more. The derision was coming from those with rank and prestige. Social pressure was being applied. They were being mocked by those who knew not God and had no regard for His laws. However, Psalm 124 provides us with the aftermath.

The second section is “Praise for Deliverance.” (Psalm 124) This psalm tells of a an imminent danger and overwhelming distress. The first five verses give a description of the peril: proud and powerful men rose up against them; they had increased wrath; overwheming waters which speaks of perils of nature. In Scripture, bodies of water are symbolic of masses of humanity. There was nothing in the natural that could stand against the danger facing the psalmist. "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19) However, our God is our helper "amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing." (Martin Luther) 

"The LORD who was on our side" wrought a miraculous deliverance. Thus, we were not given as "prey to their teeth." This is a figure of speech picturing their foes as a ferocious, devouring beast. But through the power of God "the snare is broken, and we are escaped."  The trap was set, the prey caught, and doom was certain, but God!!! Sometimes God saves us from trouble, and sometimes in the midst of our trouble. It is the grace of God that will see us through, not our merits. It was the LORD that was the deliverer and the source of their help. Our God has all power and authority and no foe will destroy the people of God. Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against us. In the midst of seeming impossible odds, keep confidence in God, for there is nothing impossible for Him. 

Remember, if God be for us, who can be against us? Nothing can separate us from His love. "When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee." (Isaiah 43:2) Hold fast to these promises and He will see you through to victory.

The Golden Text is: "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27: 1) God is a light to His people, to show them the way when they are in doubt. He will comfort our hearts as we draw close to Him. Also, He is our salvation. We are safe in Him. Nothing can ultimately harm us. He is the strength of our life, not only the Protector of my exposed life , who keeps me from being slain, but the Strength of my frail weak life. In God therefore let us strengthen ourselves.

My summary points:

1. No matter what your circumstances look like, God is your Help.

2. As we cry to Him, He will bring deliverance.

3. We should praise Him when He does.

Next week: “The Happy Home.” (Psalm 127: 1-5; Psalm 128: 1-6)

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truth 16


"Follow me, and I WILL MAKE YOU . . ." (Matthew 4:19).

One of the ways in which Jesus MAKES US what He wants us to be is to lovingly give us glimpses of WHAT HE CAN MAKE US -- if we simply obey and follow Him.  Yes, it is true that Christ often first shows us what we ARE, but sometimes it is the exact opposite that a fallen man needs to see.  ALL TO WELL he knows what he IS -- a fallen, wicked wretch, unfit for earth or heaven -- and in love Jesus shows such what THEY CAN BE, by His grace.

Robert Schuller tells a story about a banker who always tossed a coin in the cup of a legless beggar who sat on the street outside the bank.  But, unlike most people, the banker would always insist on getting one of the pencils the man had beside him.  "You are a merchant," the banker would say, "and I always expect to receive good value from merchants I do business with."  One day the legless man was not on the sidewalk.  Time passed and the banker forgot about him, until he walked into a public building and there in the concessions stand sat the former beggar.  He was obviously the owner of his own small business now.  "I have always hoped you might come by someday," the man said.  "You are largely responsible for me being here.  You kept telling me that I was a 'merchant'.  I started thinking of myself that way, instead of a beggar receiving gifts.  I started selling pencils -- lots of them.  You gave me self-respect, caused me to look at myself differently."

Here is another touching story illustrating the same truth -- adapted from McCartney.

In order to be really transformed by God's grace, it is not only important to see what we now are, but also important for us to see what Christ can make of us by His grace:   A melancholy lawyer moved into a new community and immersed himself in his new law practice.  Townspeople sometimes observed him walking alone at the eventide with his head bowed, and a look of mental distress upon his face.  One day he confessed to an artist, who had a downtown studio, that he had made one, sad, terrible mistake in his life.  The artist said nothing, but weeks later he invited the forlorn lawyer to view a portrait in his studio.

Accepting the invitation, the lawyer was surprised to see there a portrait of himself, only there, in the portrait, he stood erect, with his shoulders thrown back, and his head lifted up.  Ambition, desire, and hope were written on his face in that portrait.  Regarding this sunny, positive portrait of himself for a few moments, the vision of what he could become was born in his heart, and he said, to himself, "If he sees that in me, then I can see it.  If he thinks that I can be that, then I CAN be that man; and what is more, I WILL BE!" -- Selected

Dear Reader, have YOU reached the place in your life where you feel that you are a complete and hopeless failure?  LET JESUS SHOW YOU WHAT HE CAN MAKE YOU!  Stop looking in the mirror that can only show you what you ARE!  Hear Jesus calling to you: -- "LOOK UNTO ME, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else" (Isaiah 45:22).

The songwriter wrote:

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Look full in His wonderful face,

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

In the light of His glory and grace."

Spiritually, LOOK FULL IN THE WONDERFUL FACE OF JESUS! and He will show you WHAT HE CAN MAKE YOU, if you will simply obey and follow Him.  Then, after Christ gives you a loving vision of the man He can make you by His grace, say with that forlorn lawyer:

"If He sees that in me, then I can see it.  If He thinks that I can be that, then I CAN be that man; and what is more, I WILL BE!"  HALLELUJAH  If you haven't done so already, do this RIGHT NOW!  You'll never regret it!

"His pow'r can make you what you ought to be;

His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free;

His love can fill your soul, and you will see

'Twas best for Him to have His way with thee.

-- Cyrus S. Nussbaum

Friday, November 20, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truth 15


"In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that THOU HAST HID THESE THINGS FROM THE WISE AND PRUDENT, AND HAST REVEALED THEM UNTO BABES: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight" (Luke 10:21).

A well-known preacher in his day told of visiting a godly Irishman, Andrew Frazer, who had come to southern California to recover from a serious illness. Though quite weak, he opened his worn Bible and began expounding the deep truths of God in a way that the well-known preacher had never heard before.  He was so moved by Frazer's words that he asked him, "Where did you get these things?  Could you tell me where I could find a book that would open them up to me?  Did you learn them in some seminary or college?"  The sickly man gave an unforgettable answer.

"My dear young man, I learned these things on my knees on the mud floor of a little sod cottage in the north of Ireland.  There with my open Bible before me I used to kneel for hours at a time and ask the Spirit of God to reveal Christ to my soul and to open the Word to my heart.  HE TAUGHT ME MORE ON MY KNEES ON THAT MUD FLOOR THAN I EVER COULD HAVE LEARNED IN ALL THE SEMINARIES OR COLLEGES IN THE WORLD." -- Selected

Tragically across the centuries of the Church Age, various denominations which were born in the fires of Holy Ghost revival have later been duped by Satan into becoming ashamed of the lack of a supposedly "Higher Education".  Early on, their preachers, who were born of the Spirit and baptized with the Holy Ghost, like a blazing forest fire have spread those holy flames throughout vast regions of England and America.  Then, after having great, and widespread, success, leaders in their group began to feel ashamed that many of their Spirit-filled, but uneducated ministers, couldn't even speak English properly, and were totally ignorant of Hebrew and Greek!  Thus, when called upon to debate seminarians from highbrow denominations, on top of their faulty English, they made faux pas after faux pas about the technical Hebrew or Greek meanings of certain words in the KJV.

SUCH MUST NOT BE! thought the leaders of the Methodist Episcopal Church who succeeded Asbury, and later by the leaders of the Wesleyan, Free Methodist, Pilgrim Holiness, and Nazarene churches who succeeded the founders.

WE MUST raise up fully accredited colleges, universities, and seminaries!


So, they bit the Satanic bait! -- and began churning out highminded, high-browed DDs who knew Hebrew, but DID NOT KNOW HIM (CHRIST), and who knew Greek, BUT DIDN'T KNOW GOD!

Yes, it IS wonderful when a man KNOWS BOTH HEBREW AND HIM, and KNOWS BOTH GREEK AND GOD!

The tragedy is: -- Once a denomination begins sending forth graduates from their institutions of "supposedly higher learning," it isn't long before THE EMPHASIS shifts away from placing in their pulpits men who are both SPIRITUAL AND DOCTORS OF DIVINITY, to men who are DDs -- many of whom begin to declare as unsound THE FUNDAMENTALS OF TRUE SALVATION AND ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION!

In founding His Church, Christ Jesus purposely selected ignorant, uneducated,

Galilean fishermen, instead of highminded, Jewish Doctors of the Law.  "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are" (1 Cor. 1:26-28).

The ONLY "seminarian" among the early apostles was Paul, and God had to knock him down on the Damascus road and re-educate him spiritually in the Arabian desert before he could use him!

Brethren, it is A GRAVE ERROR for any institution of Christian learning to begin to emphasize EDUCATION above SALVATION!  Many a sanctified man of God has been able to testify thus: -- "I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation" (Psalm 119:99).  Far more than God needs men whose heads are full of Greek, He needs men whose hearts are full of grace!

Shame on ANY professed Christian denomination or institution of learning that cares more about whether their ministers are "highly degreed" scholastically than it does about whether their graduates have a high degree of true grace and godliness spiritually in their heart of hearts!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truths 14


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By Elizabeth Akers

None but Christ can evoke the longing memories of one of her children.  This poem by Elizabeth Akers can cause a love-hungry soul to throb with deep longings for a mother's tender care in years gone by.  How wonderful that as Christians we constantly HAVE that tender care from our Loving Savior -- and, if we are true, SHALL HAVE it throughout Eternity! -- DVM

Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight,

Make me a child again, just for tonight.

Mother, come back from the echoless shore,

Take me again to your heart as of yore;

Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care,

Smooth the few silver threads out of my hair;

Over my slumbers your loving watch keep;

Rock me to sleep, mother, -- rock me to sleep!

Backward, flow backward, O tide of the years!

I am so weary of toil and of tears,

Toil without recompense, tears all in vain,

Take them, and give me my childhood again!

I have grown weary of dust and decay,

Weary of flinging my soul-wealth away;

Weary of sowing for others to reap;

Rock me to sleep, mother, -- rock me to sleep!

Tired of the hollow, the base, the untrue,

Mother, O mother, my heart calls for you!

Many a summer the grass has grown green,

Blossomed and faded, our faces between:

Yet with strong yearning and passionate pain,

Long I tonight for your presence again.

Come from the silence so long and so deep;

Rock me to sleep, mother, -- rock me to sleep!

Over my heart, in the days that are flown

No love like mother-love ever has shone;

No other worship abides and endures,--

Faithful, unselfish, and patient, like yours:

None like a mother can charm away pain

From the sick soul and the world-weary brain.

Slumber's soft calms o'er my heavy lids creep;--

Rock me to sleep, mother, -- rock me to sleep!

Come, let your brown hair, just lighted with gold.

Fall on your shoulders again as of old;

Let it drop over my forehead tonight,

Shading my faint eyes away from the light;

For with its sunny-edged shadows once more

Haply will throng the sweet visions of yore;

Lovingly, softly, its bright billows sweep;

Rock me to sleep, mother, -- rock me to sleep!

Mother, dear mother, the years have been long

Since I last listened your lullaby song:

Sing, then, and unto my soul it shall seem

Womanhood's years have been only a dream.

Clasped to your heart in a loving embrace,

With your light lashes just sweeping my face,

Never hereafter to wake or to weep;

Rock me to sleep, mother, -- rock me to sleep!

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I read about a woman who telephoned a friend and asked how she was feeling, "Terrible," came the reply over the wire, "my head's splitting and my back and legs are killing me.  The house is a mess, and the kids are simply driving me crazy."  Very sympathetically the caller said, "Listen, go and lie down, I'll come over right away and cook lunch for you, clean up the house, and take care of the children while you get some rest.  By the way, how is Sam?"  "Sam?" the complaining housewife grasped.  "I have no husband named Sam." "My heavens," exclaimed the first woman, "I must have dialed the wrong number."  There was a long pause.  "Are you still coming over?" the harried mother asked hopefully. -- Bobby Moore [If the caller was a loving Christian, lived close enough, and was able to do so, hopefully, she DID go over and help the harried mother. -- DVM]

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In "Bold to Say," Austin Pardue tells about a woman who lived on a busy street corner in the heart of a large city.  One hot summer night she retired early.  The telephone rang, but she slept through it.  Loud music blasted from a passing "boom box," but she slept through that.  The children raided the refrigerator and played the stereo at full  volume, but she slept through all of that too.  Then, a remarkable thing happened.  From the back room, at the opposite end of the house, came a little voice that called, "Mommy," and immediately the woman jumped out of bed and rushed to the side of her three-year- old daughter.  There probably aren't any scientific studies to prove it, but we all know that mothers can hear their children's slightest cries from great distances.  [Still, better is the mother who trains up her children in the way they should go -- not allowing such raucus stereo and boom-box playing! -- DVM]

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She waited for the call that never came;

Searched every mail for a letter, or a note, or card,

That bore his name;

And on her knees at night, and on her feet all day,

She stormed Heaven's Gate in his behalf;

She pled for him in Heaven's high court.

"Be still, and wait," the word He gave;

And so she knew He would do in, and for, and with him,

That which she never could.

Doubts ignored, she went about her chores with joy;

Knowing, though spurned, His word was true.

The prodigal had not returned but God was God,

And there was work to do.

-- From Sitting By My Laughing Fire, by Ruth Bell Graham,

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I think ofttimes as the night draws nigh

Of an old house on the hill,

Of a yard all wide and blossom-starred

Where the children played at will,

And when the night at last came down,

Hushing the merry din,

Mother would look around and ask,

"Are all the  children in?"

'Tis many and many a year since then,

And the old house on the hill

No longer echoes to childish feet,

And the yard is still, so still.

But I see it all, as the shadows creep,

And though many the years have been

Since then, I can hear my mother ask,

"Are all the children in?"

I wonder if when the shadows fall

On the last short, earthly day,

When we say good-bye to the world outside,

All tired with our childish play,

When we step out into that Other Land

Where Mother so long has been,

Will we hear her ask, just as of old,

"Are all the children in?"

-- Florence Jones Hadley

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A very beautiful story is related of a boat out at sea, carrying in it a father and his little daughter.  As they were steering for the shore, they were overtaken by a violent storm which threatened to destroy them.  The coast was dangerous.  The mother lighted a lamp and started up the worn stairway to the attic window.  "It won't do any good, mother," the son called after her.  But the mother went up, put the light in the window, knelt beside it, and prayed.  Out in the storm, the daughter saw a glimmer of gold on the water's edge.  "Steer for that," the father said.  Slowly, but steadily, they came toward the light and at last were anchored in the little, sheltered cottage by the harbor.

"Thank God!" cried the mother as she heard their glad voices, and came down the stairway with a lamp in her hand.  "How did you get here?" she said.  "We steered by mother's light," answered the daughter, "although we did not know what it was out there." "Ah," thought the boy, a wayward boy, "it is time I was steering by my mother's light." And e'er he slept, he surrendered himself to God and asked him to guide him over life's rough sea.

Months went by, and disease smote him.  "He can't live long," was the verdict of the doctor; and one stormy night he lay dying.  "Do not be afraid for me," he said as they wept, "I shall make the harbor, for I am steering by my mother's light." -- Sent Of God

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Nowhere, is a mother's hand and a mother's voice forgotten.  During our late Civil War, a mother was telegraphed:  "Come to the front.  Your boy is seriously wounded." She left on the first train, and when she arrived where her boy was being cared for, the lady of the home met her at the door, and was asked if a wounded soldier boy was in the house.  "Yes," the lady replied, "and we are expecting his mother." "I am his mother," she said, "where is my boy?" "He is in his room.  The doctors are in there now, but they will be out in a moment or two."

Directly, the doctors came out, and she introduced herself, but they said:  "We are glad you have come, but you mustn't go in where your boy is.  His fever is so high, and his nervous system on such a tension that if you walked into his room, the excitement of seeing you, his mother, might produce death.  We will be back early in the morning, and we will let you know when you can see him." The mother stayed in the adjoining room all night, listening to the cries and moans of her poor wounded boy.  But in the morning the doctors only said:  "You can't see your boy this morning.  He is still delirious, and it would be a dangerous thing to let you into his room."

But when they all went away, she slipped down the hall with the tread of a cat, and she went in at the open door of her boy's room, and stole past the nurse to the side of his bed.  She stood there a moment, listened to his cries, watched the nervous twitching of his body, and then she began to stroke his forehead with her hand.  Her boy passed off into a quiet sleep, and the nervous twitching all stopped.  He lay perfectly quiet for a moment, and then he said, without moving his position, "Oh, how like my mother's hand!" -- Sam Jones

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A very pretty story is told by Mr. Stuart Robertson in his delightful book of "Talks to Children." A little girl was sitting on her mother's knee.  She was very fond of her mother.  She called her, her "very own mother," and like one who was rejoicing over very precious treasures she was touching, one after the other, the features of her mother's face with her little fingers -- her mother's lips, her eyes, her cheeks, her hair.  After a while she said, "Mummy, can I see your heart?" The mother said, "I don't know about that, but you can look into my eyes, and see if you can see anything." The child climbed up and peered in; and then she cried out gleefully, "I can see your heart, Mummy, and there is a wee girl away in there, and it's me!" -- Sunday School Times

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Dr. Thomas N. Carter, the ex-convict, tells a thrilling story of the faith of his mother, who followed him with her prayers for many years until she listened to him preach the gospel in answer to her prayer.  On one occasion, while he was in prison, his mother received a telegram from the prison stating that her son was dead, and asked what she wanted done with his body.  His mother was stunned at receipt of the telegram for a few minutes, then retired to her prayer closet after instructing others in the house not to disturb her.  She got her Bible and opening it, spread it before her, with the telegram beside it.  "Oh, God," she began, "I have believed the promise you gave me in your Word, that I would live to see Tom saved and preach the Gospel, and now a telegram comes saying he is dead.  Lord, which is true, this telegram or your Word?" When she rose from her knees, having won the victory, she wired the prison:  "There must be some mistake.  My boy is not dead."   And there was a mistake.  Tom Carter lived and was recently in our church preaching, with his mother seated on the platform. -- Sunday School Times

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truth 13



This is a re-titled and slightly revised re-send of a message I first wrote and published on Friday, September 14, 2012.  It was then titled "Why Can't We Be United."  The facts and truths I endeavored to bring out in the original 2012 message are every bit as pertinent today as they were then.

TO GRAB YOUR ATTENTION -- here is a quotation from the original message, telling of how when "The Wesleyan Connection Conference" of 1798 met in Bristol England, "A FEW PREACHERS WERE FOUND GUILTY OF LONG SLEEVES, CROPPED HEADS, AND STRINGED SHOES (THE BUCKLES CAST AWAY!), AND SEVERELY REPRIMANDED . . ."  OF ALL THINGS! -- Ministers in the English Wesleyan Connection were severely reprimanded for having "LONG SLEEVES, CROPPED HEADS (SHORT HAIR), AND STRINGED SHOES WITH THE BUCKLES CAST AWAY!"

Today, May 8, 2015, I re-send this, my retitled and slightly revised message of September 12, 2012, which was titled,


"O MY SOUL . . . BE NOT THOU UNITED. . ." (Genesis 49:6).

"O LORD. . . UNITE MY HEART" (Psalm 86:11).

Today during my time of prayer, I asked the question, "WHY CAN'T WE BE UNITED?" and I asked the Lord to show me THE MAIN reason why we can't be united.

First, I thought of all of the new electronic inventions that have come onto the scene in recent times: -- In the late 40s and during the 50s Television came, and with it came division from the Church of the Nazarene Church by those forming the Bible Missionary Church.  Then, in the 1980s we entered the Computer and Internet Age, and with the plethora of these inventions have come more divisions in the Holiness Movement.

But divisions among the sanctified date back to the very earliest days of the Church -- a la the division of Paul and Barnabas.  "Barnabas determined to take with them John, whose surname was Mark.  But Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from them from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work.  And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus;  And Paul chose Silas, and departed, being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God." (Acts 15:37-40).  THE ISSUE: -- QUALIFICATION TO EVANGELIZE VS. FAMILY LOVE.  What?  I thought it was merely that Barnabas was, by nature, more loving!  No, it went beyond that, you see MARK WAS BARNABAS' NEPHEW!! -- "Marcus, sister's son to Barnabas" (Colossians 4:10).  "BLOOD RUNS DEEP" -- even among Christians, yea, even among Holiness folks!  Never forget that, preacher!

But, let me skip way beyond that time, and beyond the time of the Reformation under Martin Luther, wherein those believing in justification by faith divided from those believing the many unScriptural falsehoods of Roman Catholicism.  Thus, moving forward to late 1700s and beyond, let me mention some of the divisions in and away from Methodism.

In England, the Methodist New Connexion, also known as the Kilhamite Methodists, was formed in 1797 through a secession from the English Wesleyan Connexion led by Alexander Kilham.  THE ISSUE: -- A DISPUTE REGARDING THE POSITION AND RIGHTS OF THE LAITY. In 1791, Kilham denounced the Wesleyan Connection conference for giving too much power to the ministers of the church, at the expense of the laity.

Then came DRESS ISSUES IN THE WESLEYAN CONNECTION IN 1798 -- "At the end of his third year, Mr. Adam Clarke attended the Conference of 1798 at Bristol, England which was held under the presidency of Mr. Benson.  While there, he wrote to Mrs. Clarke, from time to time, some of the Conference news.  '...We are now, glory to the God of heaven, not less than 100,756 in Great Britain and Ireland...  The characters of the preachers examined -- all gone through; and, among upwards of three hundred traveling preachers, not one charge of immorality brought against any soul: and yet everything was sifted to the heart.  O, what thanks do we owe to God for thus preserving us from the corruptions of the world!  A solemn exhortation was then given by Messrs. Benson, Mather, and Pawson, to all the brethren, that they should keep themselves pure.'  He adds, pleasantly, 'A FEW PREACHERS WERE FOUND GUILTY OF LONG SLEEVES, CROPPED HEADS, AND STRINGED SHOES,' (THE BUCKLES CAST AWAY!) 'AND SEVERELY REPRIMANDED.  After all, never was there a body of men in the world who winked less at any appearance of evil than these; and I solemnly believe no body of Christian ministers, since the world began, so large, was ever found more blameless.'" -- From hdm0085, "The Life Of Adam Clarke" by J. W. Etheridge

THE ISSUE: -- OF ALL THINGS! -- Ministers in the English Wesleyan Connection were severely reprimanded for having "LONG SLEEVES, CROPPED HEADS (SHORT HAIR), AND STRINGED SHOES WITH THE BUCKLES CAST AWAY" (FOR WEARING SHOES THAT WERE LACED WITH STRINGS, INSTEAD OF BOUND WITH BUCKLES!  Some of this seems quite the opposite of what is expected of Conservative Holiness Preachers in their dress now: -- Today they are expected to HAVE SHORT HAIR, and to HAVE LONG SLEEVES on their shirts.  How dress styles DO CHANGE!  I do not say this to suggest that Holiness folks should EVER tolerate immodest attire, but simply to say that the above remarks about what was condemned among ministers in the English Methodist Connection in 1798 CERTAINLY ARE DIFFERENT from what we expect of Holiness Preachers today, in 2012, and what has been expected from such through all, or most all, of my 75 years of life!

Also in England, the Primitive Methodist Church was formed in about 1810 by Hugh Bourne, William Clowes, and their cohorts.  THE ISSUE: -- The Primitive Methodists believed in a very zealous worship involving OPEN-AIR CAMPMEETINGS, which were CONDEMNED BY THOSE IN THE MUCH MORE STRAIGHT-LACED WESLEYAN CONNECTION FORMED BY WESLEY.  Just think! -- the staid Wesleyan Connection wanted to "put the stopper in the bottle" of zealous demonstrations in the Spirit and "put the quietus" on campmeetings, both of which they felt were forms of fanaticism!  These two things are THE VERY THINGS GREATLY PRAISED AND URGED UPON THOSE SEEKING REVIVAL IN TODAY'S HOLINESS MOVEMENT!!

In America, in 1845, Luther Lee, Orange Scott, and their cohorts split from the Methodist Episcopal Church and formed the Wesleyan Methodist Church.  THE ISSUE -- SLAVERY.  The M. E. Church had not taken a serious stand against Slavery, though a decade later the M. E. Church was split into the M. E. Church, North and the M. E. Church, South, just prior to the great Civil War.  But, more than a decade before that, Luther Lee and Orange Scott strongly opposed Slavery in the 1840s, and split from the M. E. Church in 1845, forming what came to be called the Wesleyan Methodist Church.

In 1860, Benjamin Titus Roberts and his cohorts split from the M. E. Church to form The Free Methodist Church.  THE ISSUES: -- WORLDLINESS IN THE M. E. CHURCH, AND THE PRACTICE OF "PAYING FOR PEWS" IN THE M. E. CHURCH.  The term "Free" in Free Methodist Church reflected the fact that they opposed this "Paying For Pews" and strongly felt that all seating within their congregations should be "Free".  Also, it may well have been that some among them felt that the term "Free" also reflected their belief in "Spiritual Freedom" in their services.  THE ISSUES: -- FREE PEWS, AND SEPARATION FROM THE WORLD.

The Pilgrim Holiness Church was organized in 1897 in the home of M. W. Knapp, Cincinnati, Ohio, which home is now part of "God's Bible School."  Seth Cook Rees was the first General Superintendent and remained such to his death in 1933.  THE ISSUE: -- Martin Wells Knapp wrote: -- "We felt we could not continue to cooperate with the MODERNISM THAT WAS THEN APPEARING AND THE LACK OF SPIRITUALITY that was general in the churches to which we belonged."

The list could be extended on and on.  In his book, "A Presentation of Perfection," Dr. Mark Eckart mentions the Brethren in Christ, The Church of God (Anderson), The Church of God (Holiness), The Pillar of Fire Church, the Church of the Nazarene, the God's Missionary Church, The Allegheny Wesleyan, The New York Pilgrims, and the Interchurch Holiness Convention (IHC) -- not given here chronologically.

The only entity among all of those mentioned above to especially endeavor to promote UNITY and MUTUAL FELLOWSHIP among Holiness Brethren is the IHC, founded by H. E. Schmul in 1952.  It predates by several years the formation of the Bible Missionary Church, which occurred in 1955-56.  Unfortunately, following its organization in 1955, the BMC has suffered no fewer than 3 splits, with further divisions beyond them.  Those forming both The Pilgrim Nazarene Church and the later Wesleyan Nazarene Church came out of the Bible Missionary Church.

WHY CAN'T WE BE UNITED? -- Down across the ages, WHY has the cry, "O My Soul . . . BE NOT Thou United. . ." (Genesis 49:6) so often drowned out the cry, "O Lord. . . UNITE My Heart" (Psalm 86:11)?

I doubt that there is ONE, SIMPLE ANSWER to this question.

a) I believe that HUMAN DISAGREEMENTS, like those which divided Paul and Barnabas, are to blame for many of the divisions which have occurred in God's Church.  But,

b) Another reason is DIVIDED HEARTS -- The "Divided Heart" is a carnal heart, and "divided hearts" cause "divided churches" as well.

Commenting on the prayer in Psalm 86:11, "unite my heart," Adam Clarke wrote: -- "Unite my heart] join all the purposes, resolutions, and affections of my heart together, to fear and to glorify Thy name.  This is a most important prayer.  A divided heart is a great curse; scattered affections are a miserable plague.  When the heart is not at unity with itself, the work of religion cannot go on.  Indecision of mind and division of affections mar any work.  THE HEART MUST BE ONE, THAT THE WORK MAY BE ONE.  If this be wanting, all is wrong.  This is a prayer which becomes the mouth of every Christian."

And, Clarke's comments are in perfect harmony with the prayer of Jesus, Who prayed for His disciples, "SANCTIFY THEM through thy truth: thy word is truth... THAT THEY ALL MAY BE ONE; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: THAT THE WORLD MAY BELIEVE that thou hast sent me" (John 17:17, 21).

IT ONLY TAKES ONE UNSANCTIFIED CHRISTIAN to bring about a division in Christ's Church, NOT TWO.  One of two Christians may be sweetly sanctified wholly, and be perfectly content to "keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3), but if the other Christian is carnal, and possessed of a "divided heart" -- then sooner or later that one with the "divided heart" may DIVIDE THE CHURCH ALSO -- needlessly, and heartlessly separating himself from, or forcing away from himself, those who do not kow-tow to his own notions!

An old, worldly saying, taken from the "tango" dance, is: -- "It takes TWO to tango."  It also takes TWO to have a united, and enduring marriage.  But, it takes ALL in a church organization having sanctified, "undivided" hearts to have a continued "unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).  One "bad apple" in the barrel can cause the whole barrel to be spoiled, and one "divided heart" in a church can cause a split in that church wide enough for legions of Satan's demons to march through!!!

IN CONCLUSION: -- I think we are seeing MORE SPLITS in these last days because there are MORE AND MORE "DIVIDED HEARTS" in the Church of Christ. The BIG SOURCE of DIVISION is NOT NEW INVENTIONS!  It is "THE OLD MAN"!!

Until ALL in the Holiness Churches can truthfully sing,

"Now rest my long divided heart,

Fixed on this blissful, center rest,

Nor ever from my Lord depart,

With Him of ev'ry good possessed,"

we are going to see MORE AND MORE DIVISIONS in the Church.  And, those who see NEW INVENTIONS as the great threat will frantically try to write more and more rules in their manuals to outlaw such, which shall only result in more and more divisions from those doing this.

I believe I have heard the distinction made that Daniel 12:7 does not speak of scattering "The Holy People," but of scattering "The POWER of The Holy People."

There is no difference.  Ecclesiastes 4:12 makes it clear that INCREASED POWER COMES FROM THE UNITY OF BEING BOUND TOGETHER: -- "And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken."

"Divide and Destroy" has been the clever tactic of many a general who realized that he could not overcome a united army -- but who saw that if he successfully divided that army, destroying one small branch at a time, he could eventually defeat the entire army confronting him.

Satan is such a clever general.

Shall the Church of God EVER learn to UNITE against him?

"We are not divided,

All one body we--

One in faith and doctrine,

One in charity,"

is a stanza often sung, but never truthfully, as pertaining to the professed Church.

As I suggested in an earlier sermon, one way we in the Holiness Movement COULD TRY TO UNITE, IS IN PRAYER.  And, if there has been ANY GOOD resulting from the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, perhaps it has been that IT HAS UNITED CHRISTIANS IN PRAYER -- perhaps more than at any other time during the last 50 years.  Therefore, even if we LOSE the election, perhaps we shall have WON spiritually by UNITING IN PRAYER.

I NEED YOU, true Christian brother, sister!  More than ever before, I NEED YOU!  Let us draw closer together by praying for one another -- regardless of whatever differences we have as genuine children of God.  Divided we fall!  United WE STAND!  So, for OUR OWN SAKES, and FOR JESUS' SAKE, LET US UNITE! -- Duane V. Maxey, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Friday, September 14, 2012.

I close this retitled, slightly revised message with that same plea: -- LET US UNITE!  If we cannot do so in any other way, we can at least UNITE IN THE PLACE OF PRAYER, beseeching God to send His People a mighty Holy Ghost Revival -- around the globe and from pole to pole!

With Sweet and Complete Victory Over Sin Through Christ's Blood,

Your Unworthy Brother In Jesus, Duane V. Maxey

14323 Dusty Trail Blvd., Sun City West, Arizona, May 8, 2015.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truth 11



Sadly, SO MANY today are members of professed Holiness Churches, but they are backslidden in heart.  Their doctrinal beliefs have not changed since the time, years ago, in which they were saved and sanctified, but, via TV, Internet Movies, Ball Games, and various other Worldly Entertainments, etc., they have begun to "love the world."  You know that that means: -- Jesus said in 1 John 2:15, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. IF ANY MAN LOVE THE WORLD, THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN HIM."  WE SIMPLY CANNOT LOVE BOTH CHRIST AND THE WORLD -- AT THE SAME TIME!

Highway Of Holiness Truth 11 is presented as the Poetic Message Of A Penitent backslider in heart.  It is hoped that the development of its thoughts will echo the hunger and cry of every backslider in heart who reads it, until the words, "JESUS, I AM COMING HOME" truly DO BECOME the honest testimonial of their penitential return to Christ and His Narrow Way that leadeth unto Life! -- Duane V. Maxey, May 10, 2013

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Many souls must say today:

I'm no longer in the way.

I was white as drifted snow;

Now I'm stained with sin, I know.


Once the joy-bells rang within,

Now I mourn, weighed down with sin;

Once I had no fear of death,

Now I dread it -- with each breath!


Once my heart was full of praise,

God was near through passing days.

All my cares on Christ I rolled

And His glory I extolled.



Never more from Thee to roam!

See -- before Thee now I fall.

Save me Lord, now hear my call!


If, this moment You'll forgive,

I no more in sin will live!

Wash away my ev-ry sin,

Cleanse me, Savior, take me in!


All these tears that fall like rain

Cannot make me clean again;

But Thy blood at Cal-va-ry,

Is my only hope and plea!


Wash me in that Crimson flood!

Save me with Thy Precious blood!

Even now, I feel your love.

Dost Thou save me, God of Love?



Filling me with peace and cheer!


Gone is all my fear to die!



Floods me from your Throne above!

Thy Light shines upon my path!

Now I'm saved from sin and wrath!


Savior, Thou hast brought me back,

After I strayed from Thy track;

Now Lord, sanctify my soul;

Get me home to Heaven's goal!


I'll be careful not to stray

From the blessed Narrow Way;

World-li-ness I'll ever shun

With its vain and empty fun.


With the purified in heart

I shall ever do my part,

With them give Thee ALL my love--

Here on earth, and then, ABOVE!

-- Duane V. Maxey, May 5, 2015 --