Saturday, November 14, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truth 09


"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.  For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned" (Matthew 12:36-37).

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I didn't ask him what he meant, but he was a dear, sanctified man of God.  He felt he needed to confess to me that when referring to one of my Maxey Family members to someone else, he had remarked, "He's a Maxey" -- no doubt meaning that this other member of my family had a certain negative characteristic that was common to all of us "Maxeys".  The dear man who made that confession to me felt that he should NOT have made that remark.  He was RIGHT!

Until the time of his confession, I had not known that he had anything in his heart and mind about "Maxeys" that was unChristlike.  As a matter of fact, I thought that he pretty much held us in loving respect.  If I had then asked him, "What did you MEAN by that remark?" it might have been difficult for him to confess what it was, but, I am glad I didn't ask him.  Also, the "Maxey" about whom he had made that remark was not ME.  Still, to this very day, I WONDER?  What DID he mean?  That was years ago, and I don't doubt that he is now with Jesus, and shall dwell with the bloodwashed forever in Heaven.

But you know: -- We should ALL take heed that we not make such denigrating remarks about others.  I clearly remember a time when I too made such a "Negative Family Denigrating" remark which came back to "sting" my conscience.  I forget what I may have said by way of apology, but whatever the case, so long as I recall it, I shall regret it.

One of Bro. J. E. Cook's son's told me how his father gave him the VERY GOOD COUNSEL, "BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY," for words that are spoken cannot be unspoken.  Perhaps you have heard the saying, "Be sure to put your BRAIN IN GEAR before you put your MOUTH IN MOTION!"  I think it very likely that RIGHT NOW there are thousands of professing Christians out there (some of whom may read this) who NOW REGRET having spoken some words about another (or about others, plural), but they are words that can't be UNSPOKEN, and they can bring us inward regret until our dying day -- sometimes even after we have already confessed those words to the ones involved.

We live in a world where there is DIVISION on every hand -- politically, religiously, denominationally, etc., etc., etc., and it is very easy to begin to take unwarranted liberties in what we say about those with whom we disagree.

For example: -- One with a very strong dislike for ex-President Bill Clinton might think there is nothing is wrong with saying, "I hope Hillary doesn't get the nomination, we don't need another 'CLINTON'"!

For a similar example: -- One might say, "I hope G. W.'s brother Jeb doesn't get the nomination, we've already had two too many "BUSHES" in the Whitehouse!

Well, these are examples of FAMILIES about whom most all Americans have strong feelings, and I am not going to label such remarks as sin.  However, I think they DO point to the fact that it is ALL TOO EASY TO JUSTIFY MAKING SUCH REMARKS! -- and when Jesus warned us, "by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned," we might be surprised to know HOW CLOSE TO BEING SINFUL even such political "FAMILY-CONDEMNING" remarks are in the Judgment of Christ!

So VERY, VERY EASILY, we can transfer our "FAMILY-CONDEMNING" remarks into the realms of Christian or Denominational criticisms!

For example: -- I think Bro. _____ and his family have wrecked the church!  Those _____s!  You know how they are!

For another example:-- Sis. Prissy condemns every woman in the church whose sleeves don't cover their elbows!  You remember that she came from the _____ family, and all of those _____s are just like her!

Yet another: -- I remember Bro. _____ when we were in Bible College together.  He was ambitious even then to be a General.  Now I just read in the church paper that Jason _____, his son was elected District Leader of the _____ district.  Those _____s!  They're ALL ALIKE!

BRETHREN, IS IT ANY WONDER THAT GOD CANNOT BLESS US as He did back in the times when faithful gospel preachers "LET THE PLOW DOWN" and preached without fear or favor against such sinful uses of the tongue!  James 3:5-10 could be preached on with powerful, Divine anointing, for the preacher himself WAS NOT GUILTY OF SUCH!

"5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!

"6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.

"7 For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:


"9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.


Beloved, I know that with divisions and vehement differences abounding as they now are -- around the globe, and on many subjects -- it is easier than ever before, for even sanctified saints, like the man who confessed to me of having said, "HE'S A MAXEY" -- to speak "DENIGRATING, FAMILY-REMARKS"!

But, let those who see no spiritual danger in repeatedly letting fly with such comments remember: -- As HUMAN BEINGS, we all inherit certain FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS, some of which are less than commendable.  I wonder?  Is there EVEN ONE FAMILY on earth against which no NEGATIVE, FAMILY DENIGRATING remark has ever been uttered?

I don't know about THAT, but ONE THING I DO KNOW: -- Each of us had better be careful that a callused, carnal, and unloving spirit which prompts such remarks does not dwell within us! -- For again, "by our words we shall be justified, and by our words we shall be condemned!"  Let us TAKE HEED! for Jesus said it, and HE MEANT IT!

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