Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sixth Bible Study of the Quarter: Blessed is the Man

 Today’s lesson comes from Psalm 112. There are a number of similarities between this Psalm and Psalm 111. Psalm 111 shows forth the character of God, His greatness and His goodness. Psalm 112 speaks of the godly man and his blessedness. The format of this lesson is different from the normal layout. In this lesson, we will take a verse or set of verses to unfold the characteristics and lifestyle of the man who is blessed of God. If it is your desire to be blessed of God, then this lesson will show you what the psalmist thought about how to get the blessing.

Verse 1: “His delight is in the law of the LORD.” A person is blessed when he fears the LORD and delights in His commandments. "Fear" is not a slavish dread of God, but is a reverential awe. A great God is to be feared, and a good God is to be loved. "Fear will deter us from evil; love will lead us to obedience. And the more a man fears and loves God, the more obedient will he be; till at last he will delight greatly in the commandments of His maker." (Adam Clarke) Step one to being blessed: delight in the law of God.

Verse 2: "His children are blessed after him." (Prov. 20:7) Not only is the righteous man blessed, his children will also benefit from the blessings of God. The parental example has a strong influence upon children. If the word "generation" is taken to mean "the descendants," then it is the children who are the blessed ones. Children of upright parents are given the ideal opportunity to love and serve the Lord. Step two: having children that are blessed as a result of your obedience and delight in the law of the LORD.

Verse 3: "Godliness with contentment is great gain." (1 Tim. 6:6) In the Old Testament, material gain was indicative of righteousness and God's blessing. That is why Job's comforters accused him of evil because he lost his wealth. However, true riches are the spiritual riches of grace, mercy, goodness, etc. "Grace is better than gold, for it will outlast it." (Matthew Henry) Prosperity does not destroy the holiness of heart and life. Step three: Walk in holiness and righteousness and you will be blessed.

Verse 4: "When I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me." (Micah 7:8) The blessed man is not exempt from trouble. All people suffer calamities of life. However, the upright will not be overwhelmed, for he has a bright hope, a confidence in God's providence and love. True happiness consists in becoming like Him who is at once great and gracious. Step four: The blessed man has a hope because of who God is.

Verse 5: "The righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth." (Psalm 37: 21) The blessed man has a benevolent attitude toward those about him. He promotes the welfare of others. The righteous are not stingy with their finances or time. They love to give. He manages his business affairs prudently and wisely. Charles Spurgeon said, "Attention to the things of heaven does not necessitate the neglect of the affairs of earth." Step five: be a giver to be blessed.

Verse 6: "He (God) is my defense; I shall not be moved." (Psa. 62: 6) The righteous man cab stand in the face of evil, wickedness and carnality. He is bold because God is his defense. He is set upon a firm foundation, the Rock, and he will not be condemned. The righteous leave behind a positive reputation.  Step six: Stand firm on the Rock of your salvation.

Verse 7 and 8: "The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear." (Psalm 27:1) The righteous  person is confident of God's providential care. He is not afraid of bad news, hurtful rumors, or reports of approaching calamities. His confidence is in God and he walks above fear. He is firm in pursuing the right. With faith in God, a righteous man has assurance of victory over all spiritual foes. Step seven and eight: trust in the Lord at all times.

Verse 9: "That they be rich in good works, ready to distribute." (1 Tim. 6:18) The blessed man is like his Lord. He is kind, benevolent, and generous. He is a good steward. This means that he manages his income and expenses so as to have an abundance so he can give. A poor steward will not have the resources available to be generous. Benevolence is important because Christ will give out rewards and punishment based on it. Those that are faithful in this realm "shall be exalted with honor." Step nine: a good steward is blessed.

Verse 10: "The way of the ungodly shall perish." (Psalm 1:6) There is a contrast between the righteous and the ungodly. "The wicked are punished by the working of their evil passions, and come to naught." (J.F.B. Commentary) In contrast to the acts of the righteous which are for the good of others, the desires of the wicked are self-centered and for self-promotion. The ungodly seek out the desires of the world and the flesh for their gratification. The wicked are never satisfied and they die as a disppointed man. As for the upright, "his righteousness endureth for ever." Step ten: It is blessed to do for others.

The Golden Text is: "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee." (Isaiah 26:3) God keeps His children in perfect peace no matter the adversity that comes their way. It is a "perfect peace." This means it is lacking nothing and is always available. The mind that "is stayed on thee," is a mind supported by God. There is no other support in times of difficulty but God Himself. 

Next week, "I Will Pay My Vows." (Psalm 116: 1-19)

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

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