Thursday, November 5, 2020

Highway of Holiness Truth 02

Highway Of Holiness Truth 02 by Rev. Duane Maxey


Let me bid you farewell,

While yet, perhaps, I may;

Soon I shall take my flight--

I know not when the day.

So now I tes-ti-fy

That Jesus saves my soul;

Don't sorrow when I die,

And reach my Heav'nly goal!

The fear of death is gone,

E-ter-nal Life is mine!

When comes eternal day,

With Christ's redeemed I'll shine!

Not by good works I've done:

But all by Jesus' grace,

With holy wars all won,

With Christ shall be my place!

If earthly lot-ter-ry

Someone down here could win,

That brought eternal life

After a life in sin,

No matter what the price

Millions would quickly pay

A huge amount to buy

Eternal Life THAT WAY!

But there is no such prize,

Nor shall there ever be,

And none but those made pure

Shall live e-ter-nal-ly!

And all the rest shall die

The Second Death in Hell;

Their endless agony

No human tongue can tell!

Salvation can't be sold--

By riches can't be bought.

Christ Jesus paid its price,

It's free, when rightly sought.

Repent of ev'ry sin,

Forsake this sinful world!

And trust in Jesus' blood;

You'll not to Hell be hurled!

God's mercy full and free

Shall evermore be thine;

Then at the Marriage feast

With Jesus Christ you'll dine!

This ever-last-ing prize

Christ bought at Cal-va-ry;

It's free for all just now--

For YOU, and even Me.

Repent, before Christ bow;

Trust Jesus and obey.

One way leads to His joys:

The Strait and Narrow Way!

While I now bid farewell,

God's Love still beckons thee:

"Come, I will give you rest.

And peace e-ter-nal-ly!"

Today, if I depart,

Come, join me in the sky;

Where we shall dwell with Christ


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