Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Highway Of Holiness Truth 18


In this brief message I shall present 7 things about "The Nations That Forget God."  May God bless them to the good and salvation of every reader. -- Bro. Duane, May 21, 2015

01 -- THEIR FATE -- Psalm 9:17, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all THE NATIONS THAT FORGET GOD."  ALL of the nations that forget God shall be TURNED INTO HELL -- without exception!  The fate of America shall be no different from that of every other nation that forgets God!  No, none of the righteous individuals in any nation shall be turned into Hell, but NATIONALLY, WE TOO, as the American Nation shall be turned into Hell and burned into the ashes of Eternal Destruction!  For long, long decades we have THOUGHT MUCH of our privileges and pleasures, and LESS AND LESS of our Precious Savior.  The inevitable consequence of thus forgetting God is to be TURNED INTO HELL!

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02 -- THEIR FAST WITHERING -- Job 8:12-13 "it withereth before any other herb.  So are the paths of all that forget God."  "Showers of blessing" (Ezek. 34:26) brought about the birth and establishment of America, enduing it with the strength of mighty cedars, but when a nation forgets God, shoves Him out of their schools, ignores His holy Law, and bans His Word in public places, THEN, WITH AMAZING SPEED "IT WITHERETH BEFORE ANY OTHER HERB"!  In 1976 we celebrated our Bi-Centennial.  Now, LESS THAN 40 YEARS LATER, AMERICA IS RAPIDLY BECOMING A WITHERED HERB! -- the Holy Moisture of God's Spirit gone, our nation has lost its strength and become weak as a "rush"!  Read the whole of Job 8:11-12 -- "Can the rush grow up without mire? can the flag grow without water?  WHILST IT IS YET IN HIS GREENNESS, AND NOT CUT DOWN, IT WITHERETH BEFORE ANY OTHER HERB."  Here is the picture of what has happened to America in less than 40 years since 1976!  We have forced away from us the Holy Moisture of God's Presence, and NOW we have, with supersonic speed, withered into a "weak rush" which, unless God prevent it, we shall soon be dried, dead, and destroyed!  DON'T SAY IT CAN'T HAPPEN!  IT IS HAPPENING -- RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES!

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03 -- THEIR FALSE PERCEPTION -- Psalm 50:21-22, "These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; THOU THOUGHTEST THAT I WAS ALTOGETHER SUCH AN ONE AS THYSELF: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes.  Now CONSIDER THIS, YE THAT FORGET GOD, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver."

When a nation forgets God, they also FORGET HIS LIKENESS, i.e., they forget that He is HOLY as well as Loving.  America has so long forgotten to view the picture of God as seen in His Word that AMERICANS HAVE BEGUN TO CREATE GOD IN THEIR OWN IMAGE!  Professed Christians who love the Sunday Ballgames and worldly entertainments don't want to read, or hear preached, the TRUE IMAGE OF GOD.  Millions of God-Forgetting people have begun to think that "God is like themselves" -- a god who is tolerant of sin and worldly pleasure, and who is so loving that He will send nobody to Hell.  This FALSE PERCEPTION OF GOD is abounding in America today -- even among many who are in church every Sunday!  A nation that has forgotten God will discover at the Judgment that HE IS ALSO HOLY, and all who forgot Him while remembering their sins and pleasures will be "turned into hell"!  No, I'M NOT A SADIST!  NEITHER IS GOD, BUT HE IS GOING TO CAST ALL IMPENITENT, PLEASURE AND SIN LOVING GOD-FORGETTERS INTO HELL!

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04 -- THEIR FORMER IS FORGOTTEN -- Deuteronomy 32:18, "Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast FORGOTTEN GOD THAT FORMED THEE."  It was GOD who formed America, but DO NOT DOUBT IT! -- He will also destroy her, and that very soon unless she repents!

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05 -- THEIR FEAR OF MAN --  Isa 51:12-13. "I, even I, am He that comforteth you: who art thou, THAT THOU SHOULDEST BE AFRAID OF A MAN that shall die, and of the son of man which shall be made as grass; AND FORGETTEST THE LORD THY MAKER, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? and where is the fury of the oppressor?

Amidst any nation that is forgetting God are backsliders and professing Christians who have no fear of angering God by CHEERING LOUDLY FOR THEIR HOME TEAM at some ball game, but who, at the same time, ARE AFRAID TO SPEAK UP IN PUBLIC FOR CHRIST -- and often such ones refrain from saying grace RIGHT OUT LOUD over their food in a cafe or restaurant.  Let such remember Jesus' warning, in Luke 12:9, "But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God."

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06 -- THEIR FORSAKEN GUIDE -- Proverbs 2:17, "Which forsaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God."  You know the lyrics:

"God bless America, land that I love,


Through the night with the light from above."

Why is our nation staggering like a blind man now, not knowing which way to turn?  ANSWER: -- As a nation, WE HAVE FORSAKEN THE GUIDE OF OUR YOUTH, and we have sitting in the Whitehouse as our President, one who worships the false Muslim god, Allah!

America will never get "back on track" until we GET BACK TO THE GOD WHO GUIDED US IN OUR YOUTH!

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07 -- THEIR FORGOTTEN REFLECTION OF THEIR SINFULNESS -- James 1:23-24, "A man beholding his natural face in a glass . . beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was."

When a nation forgets God, it isn't long before SOME who really STILL ARE Christians, but with so much God-Forgetting all about them, THEY TOO begin to forget the picture God showed them of their sinfulness before saving them -- and forgetting how God showed them they were sinners when they did certain things, they begin moving back in the direction of those worldly and wicked things.  Thus it is, that many today are moving too close to the edge of the Narrow Way, and unless they recover themselves from that drifting, THEY ALSO WILL FORGET GOD, and, sadly, be turned into Hell.  Selah.

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