Sunday, November 22, 2020

Eighth Bible Study of the Quarter: Our Help is from the Lord

 Today’s lesson comes from Psalm 123: 1-4 and Psalm 124: 1-8.  The Bible has many examples of people who faced adverse circumstances. For example: the Israelites at the Red Sea, Hezekiah threatened by Sennacherib, Peter in prison facing execution, Paul facing shipwreck. In each case, it looked hopeless. But God! What are the keys which brought these individuals through their dilemma? What are situations today that Christians face because of their faith? It could be the loss of their job, ostracism, loss of friends, etc. What should they do in such cases? Today’s study will help answer this question.

Psalms 120-134 are called “Songs of Degrees.” We assume these short psalms were sung by pilgrims going to Jerusalem to worship. Some scholars group these 15 psalms in 5 sets of 3 psalms each. Our lesson comes from the first and second psalms of the second set. The pilgrim in Psalm 123 is under oppression, looks to God for support and help. In Psalm 124,  the psalmist rejoices in the deliverance he received from God.

The first section is “A Cry for Help.” (Psalm 123) In verse 1, the psalmist lifts his eyes up to pray. In our culture, we generally bow our heads when we make a petition to God. Actually, it is more natural to look upwards when in prayer to God. His throne is in heaven above. When looking up, you are doing so in expectation, trust, and dependency. Verse 2 makes reference to an eastern custom of a servant being ever ready at their master’s slightest gesture to respond. Our eyes wait upon the LORD ever ready to obey His slightest prompting. The psalmist had fixed his eyes on the Lord because he had experienced the scorn and contempt of men to the point of excess. The psalmist was anxious to catch the slightest token of God’s favor which would speak to his troubled heart. Moreover, he was looking to God as his Source of sustenance and deliverance. Verse 2 states”so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us.” The psalmist was committed to keep his eyes on the Lord while he awaited His deliverance.

“Have mercy upon us, O LORD. The psalmist did not plead his personal merit, but rather for mercy. The issue was left entirely in God’s hands. Verse 4 informs us that he was “exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease.” The psalmist had reached a point of desperation that he couldn’t take much more. The derision was coming from those with rank and prestige. Social pressure was being applied. They were being mocked by those who knew not God and had no regard for His laws. However, Psalm 124 provides us with the aftermath.

The second section is “Praise for Deliverance.” (Psalm 124) This psalm tells of a an imminent danger and overwhelming distress. The first five verses give a description of the peril: proud and powerful men rose up against them; they had increased wrath; overwheming waters which speaks of perils of nature. In Scripture, bodies of water are symbolic of masses of humanity. There was nothing in the natural that could stand against the danger facing the psalmist. "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19) However, our God is our helper "amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing." (Martin Luther) 

"The LORD who was on our side" wrought a miraculous deliverance. Thus, we were not given as "prey to their teeth." This is a figure of speech picturing their foes as a ferocious, devouring beast. But through the power of God "the snare is broken, and we are escaped."  The trap was set, the prey caught, and doom was certain, but God!!! Sometimes God saves us from trouble, and sometimes in the midst of our trouble. It is the grace of God that will see us through, not our merits. It was the LORD that was the deliverer and the source of their help. Our God has all power and authority and no foe will destroy the people of God. Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against us. In the midst of seeming impossible odds, keep confidence in God, for there is nothing impossible for Him. 

Remember, if God be for us, who can be against us? Nothing can separate us from His love. "When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee." (Isaiah 43:2) Hold fast to these promises and He will see you through to victory.

The Golden Text is: "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27: 1) God is a light to His people, to show them the way when they are in doubt. He will comfort our hearts as we draw close to Him. Also, He is our salvation. We are safe in Him. Nothing can ultimately harm us. He is the strength of our life, not only the Protector of my exposed life , who keeps me from being slain, but the Strength of my frail weak life. In God therefore let us strengthen ourselves.

My summary points:

1. No matter what your circumstances look like, God is your Help.

2. As we cry to Him, He will bring deliverance.

3. We should praise Him when He does.

Next week: “The Happy Home.” (Psalm 127: 1-5; Psalm 128: 1-6)

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

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