Monday, November 9, 2020

Highway of Holiness Truth 05

Highway Of Holiness Truth 05 by Rev. Duane Maxey.


As I pondered about something to send out today, I came upon this poem that I feel God helped me write on December 29, 2005, in (Ahwatukee) Phoenix, Arizona, six days after the death of my brother, Roger.  I pray that this re-send will touch the hearts of others who read it -- even for the second time, even as it did mine. -- Duane V. Maxey, April 21, 2015.

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Once a skeptic paid a visit to a farmer that he knew,

While around them in the barn-yard, lively, shifting breezes blew,

And a weather-vane was turning on the barn-roof up above,

With three words in wrought-iron letters, this brief message: "GOD IS LOVE."

And the skeptic read the message as the weather-vane did turn,

But he failed, the farmer's meaning in the message to discern;

"That God's Love is fickle, like the breezes -- Is that what you say?"

Asked the skeptic of the farmer, in the barn-yard there that day.

"Not at all!" the farmer answered, "by those words I mean to show:

GOD IS LOVE, no matter which the way the shifting breezes blow!

They may blow in all directions, or they may not blow at all,

But the fact remains that GOD IS LOVE, amidst them, one and all!

"When a little boy, our son was blown by winds that took his life;

As a grieving dad, my heart was sad, along with my dear wife;

But our Jesus came when we did pray, and eased our aching pain,

And the epitaph for our dead son is in that weather-vane!"

Then, most deeply moved, the skeptic turned and shook the farmer's hand;

"It would be a better world," he said, "if all throughout our land

Had a faith like yours, whatever came upon them -- ill, or good;

It would make us better people -- Yes, I'm sure it really would!"

When his visitor thus answered, then the farmer made reply:

"Friend, the Lord will hear you praying, if unto Him now you cry;

Let us bow our heads and ask Him to have mercy on your soul;

He will save you, cleanse, and guide you safe unto the Heavenly goal."

Then the melted skeptic bowed, and while the farmer offered prayer,

As the weather-vane was turning on the roof above them there,

Heaven's breeze swept down upon them -- unbelief was cast away,

And the skeptic was converted in the barn-yard there that day!

Ever after, this new convert, when the storms of life beset,

Called to mem'ry once again the message he could ne'er forget:

Storms of life and winds of trial are controlled by One above,

And whichever way the wind blows -- still remember: "GOD IS LOVE"!

So, no matter how the wind blows, and no matter what your care,

Just remember, Jesus loves you -- He will hear and answer prayer;

He's the Master of the winds, and all the storms obey His will;

He can calm the wildest tempest -- He can tell it, "Peace, be still!"

As you walk along with Jesus, and strong winds bring grief or pain,

Still recall the three-word message in that farmer's weather-vane:

Storms of life and winds of trial are controlled by One above,

And whichever way the wind blows -- still remember: "GOD IS LOVE"!

--Composed the morning of December 29, 2005, in (Ahwatukee) Phoenix, Arizona, six days after the death of my brother, Roger

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