Sunday, February 21, 2021

Deuteronomy Study Eight: A Prophet Like Unto Me

 Today's lesson comes from Deuteronomy 18: 9-19. Man has an innate desire to be in touch with the supernatural. Satan attempts to draw men astray by appealing to this desire. In our world today, there are multitudes who are involved in occult practices. Many of them became ensnared by engaging in what appeared to be harmless. Daily horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, fortune telling are all the open door to a deeper involvement. Reading books that glorify magic, witchcraft, and wizards whets the appetite and arrests the imagination. This is the reason I from the beginning opposed "Harry Potter" books because they promoted witchcraft and wizards. 

After condemning the worship of Molech, the lesson portion lists eight occult practice which were followed by the Canaanites. We will review these eight practices and see their applicability to our culture.

The first section is "Abominations of the Heathen." When the children of Israel came into the Promised Land, they would face the corrupt Canaanite culture. The same is true today. There is much in our culture that is anti God, anti Scripture, and anti Christian. The Israelites were not to follow the heathen practices all around them. The eight practices discussed in this first section are:

1. The Canaanites caused their children to "pass through the fire." This was child sacrifice. We see similar actions today when godless mothers abort the children in the womb. It is murder today, and it was murder in the culture of the Canaanites.

2. The Canaanites practiced "divination." This was trying to determine the future by casting lots, interpreting omens, or examining the entrails (intestines) of animals (Ezekiel 21:21) 

3. They were "observers of times" and this references making predictions based on the motion of clouds, eclipses, or aspects of the planets. This sounds like reading the horoscopes or astrology. 

4. They were to avoid "enchanters." Enchanters used magical formulas to discover hidden things by a superstitious use of words or ceremonies.

5. They were to avoid "witches." Witches practiced magic by incantations and offered prayers to idols. They would try to control people and circumstances through the power of evil spirits or magic mutterings.

6. They were to avoid "charmers." Charmers was a person who used spells for the purpose of divination. Foretelling events by using the stars and by using charms to cure diseases were to be avoided. The Israelites were to avoid those that "consulted with familiar spirits." This is seen in the New Testament when Paul though the power of the Holy Spirit cast the demon from the "soothsayer." (Acts 16: 16-18)

7. They were to avoid "wizards." Wizards were a male witch. They were known to have extraordinary wisdom and foresight.

8. They were to avoid "necromancers." A necromancer tried to communicate with the dead to get instructions or to obtain secrets from the spirit world.

One of the goals of this first section is to engender a disgust and hatred for the abominations of the Canaanites. It is horrific to kill you children, and this includes abortion.  

The following is a list of occult practices found in the church today:

1. Emptying the mind during meditation. This is a Buddhist practice. Biblical meditation is to mutter or speak the Word of God.

2. Speaking with the dead, i.e. seance.

3. Channeling spirits.

4. Soaking prayer that involves a trance-like contemplative state.

5. Seeking supernatural knowledge with the wrong motive.

6. Casting spells or curses.

7. Tarot cards, Ouija boards, reading horoscopes, stargazing to tell the future. 

8. Submitting to a spirit (not the Holy Spirit) so it can have its way with you (manifestations, shaking violently, drunkenness). 

We are to follow the Word of God as the rule and faith for our lives. 

The next section is "Prophets of the Lord." vv. 15-19 This part of the lesson is much more positive. Moses assures the Israelites that God's method of obtaining supernatural information is through His prophets. God would not leave His people without a voice from heaven. Moses' words are also a prediction of the coming of Christ, the One who would be "like" Moses. 

Verses 15 and 18 are the clearest predictions made by Moses of the coming of Jesus Christ. Moses is letting the people know that God will not leave them without guidance. A Prophet was coming that would speak to His people what the Father wanted to say. Verse 19 states that God will hold those accountable who do not hear and obey (hearken) to the Prophet's words. 

Before we review the Golden Text, I wanted to make mention of the danger today of attempting to add to Biblical revelation. The canon of God's Word closed with the book of Revelation. While the Holy Spirit continues to guide us today, there will be no new revelation. Whenever there is new revelation, ultimately a cult is created and truth is compromised. If you want to hear God's voice, read the Bible. If you want to hear God's voice audibly, read the Bible out loud!

The Golden Text is "[God] hath in these last days spoken to us by His Son." (Hebrews 1:2) We have a duty to read God's Word, study it, memorize it, and live it. We are so blessed to have a complete book of God's message to His people. We are to cherish the Word of God and read it in the morning, throughout the day, and before retiring for the night. When we do so, our lives will show the fruit of the Spirit and we will be a blessing to others.

My summary points:

1. We are to completely avoid the cultural sins of the day.

2. We are not to compromise with the world.

3. We are to hear and obey the Word of the Lord, no exceptions.

Next week, "The Covenant Ratified." (Deuteronomy 26:16-19; 27: 1-7).

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement. 

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