Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Personal Testimony of Rev. Barry L. Jenkins

 This is the partial testimony of Rev. Barry L. Jenkins, D.P.Th., D.B.S., J.D., Director of the International Wesleyan Holiness Association. This is recorded from his private journal.

"Today at approximately 11:00AM, after several months of dying out to self (later I learned the phrase the 'death route), 'I felt the intense desire for a pure heart. For several weeks I had been teaching on the true nature of Pentecost. I was reading, 'Adventures in the Land of Canaan,' by Robert L. Berry. Coming to the end of Chapter 2, I asked God to purge my soul until He was satisfied. Further, I asked that He might kill everything in my heart that displeased Him. I asked God to fill me with the Holy Spirit, to send the Comforter to abide with me forever. After assurance that my consecration was complete and accepted,  I then in faith received the sanctifying fullness of the indwelling Holy Spirit. I believe He sanctifies me wholly. At that moment a warm sensation overtook me and I had an awareness that the work was done. I had an inner witness that the work was complete. This journal entry is my memorial (Joshua 4:7). I need not question the work of God in my heart. I need only to look at this memorial. I, in faith, now begin to defeat the enemies that exist in Canaan. God is faithful and so must I be. All glory to God for the work He has done in me. Then, I signed the memorial and to this day, it is still good.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! May you continue to touch HEARTS/SOULS As you have been doing! As for us, "THE BURNS BUNCH" we're so thankful you answered the call of our Master! Godspeed...Proverbs 27:17
