Thursday, February 4, 2021

When Can the Carnal Mind Be Destroyed? Part 2

To be sure, there is growth in things spiritual, and this is very marked if one walks in the light especially after the heart has been purified. When growth ceases, the soul will soon atrophy, and then decay sets in. That soul who has ceased to grow has great cause to be alarmed. If our child should cease to grow, and wear the same clothing a year from now that he wears now, we would be alarmed and consult a physician to ascertain the trouble, for something would surely be the matter with our child. There are those who wear the same clothes now that they did ten, twenty, or even forty years ago. They pray the same little prayer, repeat the same old testimony, etc. But a healthy child will surely grow. There is, and should be, a tremendous growth in things spiritual; but there is no growth into an experience of grace, neither indeed can be.

A cabbage plant will grow in the garden if it is planted there, and is then watered and properly cultivated; but no cabbage plant will ever grow into the garden. Plant it there; then delight yourself by watching it grow. Get into the experience of heart purity; then delight yourself in the Lord by growing in all the Christian graces, and on to the maturity of a full-orbed Christian character. This growth will be tremendously increased by the destruction of the carnal mind. As weeds will prevent the cabbage plant from growing and maturing properly, so will the carnal mind prevent that spiritual growth that every child of God should enjoy.

We find not even so much as a hint in the Scriptures that a soul ever grows into an experience of grace.

In considering the third view let us say that there is no virtue in dying the physical death. As death finds us, so will the judgment find us. If death is the destroyer of the carnal mind, then death ceases to be our last enemy, and becomes the agent of our salvation. And if death be the agent of our salvation, then it is our friend. If death be the agent of our salvation, then the devil is the grandfather of our eternal happiness; The devil is the father of sin, and sin brought forth death. Thus death is the grandchild of the devil. Thus the grandchild of the devil is our sanctifier. Then Jesus and the Holy Ghost have nothing to do with our sanctification, and thus with our salvation. The Blood was then shed in vain, and Jesus was mistaken in the thought of atoning for our condition and alienation from God. Thus the Cross becomes a mockery; Jesus is robbed of all glory and all honor in our salvation; the Blood becomes an "unholy thing"; and he who is the enemy of God and the souls of men is the direct agent of our salvation and joys in the world to come, and death, our "last enemy," becomes the direct agent.

"Notice one thing: any time any of the apostles speak of people being sanctified, it is never by growth but always by the power of God; and the act is always charged to the Father, the blood of the Son, or the Spirit, and never to growth, death, the grave, or to the resurrection. Now if it were possible to be sanctified by any of these means it would leave God out of the question and rob Him of all the glory, and steal the honor from the Son. Jesus speaks of this case in John 10:7, 8, where He said, 'Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers.' Now, I have no disposition to steal the honor from the Blood, or rob the Son of any of His glory; but I want to join the blood-washed throng arrayed in white robes, who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb" (C. B. Jernigan).

The doctrine that men are sanctified, or made pure, in purgatory is simply absurd. It is ridiculous to think of sending a soul to hell, or some other place of torture, to purify it. Then why is not the devil purified before now?

That sanctification is an experience of grace that is subsequent to conversion is evidenced by the fact that all exhortations and promises, in the Bible, in regard to this experience are spoken to those who are already Christians.

That it is attainable in this life, and that it is an experience that can be and may be lived and enjoyed is evidenced in Luke 1:74, 75. "That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life." In the second chapter of Acts, Peter, in answer to those who were pricked in their hearts when they saw what had taken place on Pentecost, told them that if they would repent and have their sins remitted, they too would be eligible for the blessing of holiness, "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Thank God! that promise takes in you and me.

Dr. H. T. Hudson says it is attainable in this life, and may be enjoyed and lived, "(1) Because God wills it. 'For this is the will of God, even your sanctification.' God wills our sanctification just as truly and sincerely as He wills the salvation of sinners, or any other desirable thing. There can be no higher law than the will of God. (2) Because God commands it. 'Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect.' 'Be ye perfect' -- not in knowledge or power as God, but in love and holiness. Be perfect -- not in degree as God, but in quality, in kind. (3) Because this great blessing is promised. 'Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you' (Ezek. 36:25). 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness' (I John 1:9). 'The very God of peace sanctify you wholly' (I Thess. 5:23). Does not this passage mean entire sanctification? Do we have to wait till death for this? Then, why does the apostle pray that 'your body be preserved blameless'? (4) Because the possession of holiness is eminently desirable. Holiness makes us like God. It enables us to enjoy much of heaven while on earth. It makes us more useful. It gives us meetness for heaven ... For this the precious blood of Christ streamed from the cross. For this the Holy Spirit is sent into the world. For this the lamp of the Bible shines. For this the gospel is preached. For this the world stands, the sun shines, the earth yields her increase, the judgment is delayed. For this God employs the various agencies of the church. 'For he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints.'" (Methodist Armor).

"You may find in yourself a disposition to stagger and falter when you are confronted by your duty to seek holiness. but do not do it. Now is God's day for this full salvation. Wait no longer, but plunge into the fountain; for in waiting, you may grieve the Holy Spirit. The hindrances to your sanctification may be many today, but you need not hope for them to be fewer. There is a reason why you haven't the blessing. As soon as this reason disappears, the blessing will be in your possession" (John Paul).

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