Thursday, February 18, 2021

How They Were Sanctified Part 3


Dr. T. B Anderson, of California, who was wondrously sanctified at a holiness meeting last winter, has published an account of his experience, from which we extract the following, "My thoughts ran thus, 'Lord, what blessings I have received from Thee here have been good, and I know all about them; but if there are others that would be of service to me, or to my ministry, I want them. I now take the place of the ox on the Greek coin -- stand between the altar and the plow -- ready for service or sacrifice. I am ready for poverty or riches, friends or foes; but give me what I need.' Suddenly I found myself falling -- falling away from everything -- the church and the preachers; my family and friends. I went into loneliness and desolation. An horror of great darkness was around me ... Just at the end of the darkness, to my surprise I found myself in the arms of the 'Wonderful Man.' He was the whitest man I ever saw; His face was like the sun. For a moment He held me; and such a bracing, buttressing and girding of life I never had before. I was, blessed be God, in the arms of Omnipotence. For hours and hours, wave after wave of glory rolled into my soul ... The effect on my life has been peace, quietness, assurance. I found the work wrought in me to be purgative, illuminative, unitive. I love my church, my brethren, my family -- the whole world -- better than I did before ... Everything drops in its place, and my experience is delightful. What effect has it had on my life? It has tranquilized it. The fret, worry, anxiety, all gone; my heart aches no more; my feet so tired, are resting. Indeed, they feel as if they were in the burning path of the Cherubim. Hallelujah!"

Source: "The Double Cure,

or Echoes from National Camp Meetings,"

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