Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Planet Neptune and Indwelling Sin (an interesting illustration)

From "The Triumph of Truth"
Published in 1857, by James Caughey

[Herewith, I declare: This is one of the most unusual illustrations I have ever read, concerning the effects of "Indwelling Sin." Read on, and you will see how I verified Online, the "Zodiacal" facts. -- DVM]

Are you aware that astronomers have noticed for several years past, an unaccountable disturbance among some of the planets? and that at length they concluded that it must arise from the attractions of some yet undiscovered orb, which as yet had no place in the zodiacal chart?—that is, I suppose, a chart of that circle in the heavens, which contains the twelve signs through which the sun passes in his annual course.

They observed certain planets to gain or lose time in their orbits, and guessed at the cause,—some yet undiscovered orb or other; and began to lay down certain rules to aid them in finding it; thus: when a planet lagged behind, the retarding cause must be sought in the rear of the dilatory planet; but when the motions of a planet were observed to be in advance of true time, then the accelerating cause must be ahead of it, and sought for in that part of the sky!

Guided by such suppositions, they began to traverse the sky with powerful telescopes. Year succeeded to year, but the disturber of the planetary motions remained undiscovered;—until the present year, 1846, when, lo it was found, a short distance in advance of the Moon! and thus the suspicions of astronomers were confirmed. Already has it taken its name on the zodiacal chart, under the title of Neptune!

[I just did an Online search, asking: "Was Neptune discovered in 1846? -- and "Lo and Behold," I found this statement: -- "The planet Neptune, which is considered to be the outermost major planet in the solar system, was discovered on this day, i.e. September 23, in 1846. German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle was the first to observe the third most massive planet, although astronomers Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, and John Couch Adams also worked independently which helped the discovery in 1846." -- Thus, the preceding statement in this book by James Caughey, is verified! -- February 6, 2021, -- DVM]

But what has all this to do with us? I answer, it may serve as an illustration of the religious eccentricities of some present! It may put us on the track of that which has disturbed your soul so often in her orbit;—the attracting cause, which has retarded your soul from good, or quickened its motions to evil.  Now do you understand me?—INDWELLING SIN!

[This is the first time I have ever read of "Neptune" as a type of "The Old Man," or "The Carnal Nature"! -- DVM]

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