Monday, July 5, 2021

"Comfort Ye My People"

"Comfort Ye My People"

Isa. 40:1

The first section of the Book of Isaiah is primarily a message of judgment with promises of salvation. The second section is a message of comfort with words of warning.

Here this man of far vision is promising a better day for God's covenant people. Their warfare would be accomplished and their iniquity pardoned. That they had received of the Lord's hand double for all their sins is illustrated by an ancient custom among debtors and creditors. One caught with debts too many and too great for him to pay, might post a list of his obligations. This was in effect a plea for mercy. His creditor or a benevolent friend might see his plight. He could fold the sheet on which the list was written, thus covering the debts, and sign a promise to pay all. Isaiah was proclaiming pardon for the sins of a penitent people. This is what God has done for all contrite, believing sinners. "Jesus paid it all."

Isaiah also proclaimed comfort by his declaration that "the word of our God shall stand for ever" (v. 8). There is no fickleness or caprice with God. He is not like the grass that withers or the flower that fades.

Again the prophet speaks comfort: "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young" (v. 11). The Almighty Creator is at the same time the tender, compassionate Shepherd. He leads and feeds the flock.

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