Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Strength Increased

Strength Increased

Isa. 40:31

The greatness of God is beyond human understanding. The mind of man is incapable of spanning eternity. The omnipotence of God is beyond the comprehension of the finite mind. Man has limited creativity. God is Creator of earth and all that lives upon it. This is the work of God's fingers, and by His will all is kept in perfect balance. Without His supervision and support there would be total chaos.

This God, infinite in wisdom, eternal inbeing, almighty in power, has knowledge and love of all the more than 4 billion persons who live on this planet. There is no searching of His understanding.

He understands when all others misunderstand. He knows our weakness, our failure, our burden, yea, all our need. He passes over our mistakes and pardons our sins. He never grows tired nor does He sleep. His ears are never closed to our call. His loving heart is always inclined to compassion, mercy, and love.

God is never weary with our coming to Him with our problems. He wants His children to be men in understanding, but He delights to have them depend on Him. "He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength" (v. 29).

The secret of receiving His strength is in waiting upon the Lord, waiting in full readiness to obey His voice when He speaks. All who wait will have strength to "mount up with wings as eagles"; to "run, and not be weary"; to "walk, and not faint."

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